Join Recruiting Coach Judy LaDeur’s Profitable Recruiter — A comprehensive recruiting platform with everything you need to GROW your business PROFITABLY. If Any of THESE Challenges Sound Familiar…
- Building and maintaining the RIGHT hit list for your company
- Staying TOP OF MIND with the agents in your market
- RETAINING top agents
- Positioning yourself to ALWAYS be the turn-to broker
Then The Profitable Recruiter can make your job (and your life) a whole lot simpler! Here’s what’s included:
- A robust weekly email newsletter to send to your agents and recruits to stay top of mind
- a library of completely editable letters, emails, and agent touch-points
- fun ‘Lumpy Letters” to help you create a BUZZ in your market
- recruiting scripts to help take the guess work out of what to say
- a cache of social media tips to make life a little easier
- results-producing recruiting tips and tools that get results
- solid action plan ideas to build momentum and keep it
- professional coaching support from one of the top recruiting coaches in the business
- empowering profitability keys for maximizing your business
- monthly recruiting webinars with powerful coaching and implementation tools
- quarterly guest speakers and trainers featuring top agents sharing their successful sales strategies
- and so much more…
Each week your eNews will include SEVEN results-producing components:
- A graphic-Perfect for adding sizzle to your message and sharing
- A weekly message– that inspires, motivates and keeps you top of mind
- Something to Think About – Expands on the original message and provokes further action.
- Weekly challenge – An action step to challenge your agents and your recruits to move ahead in their career and life.
- Words of wisdom – 5 quotes per week you can share. Send all at once or share them daily on social media
- Broker challenge – A weekly challenge to implement that will help build a more profitable real estate office.
- Recruiting action step– This is something special you can do or send to your top 10-25 agents in your pipeline
Which Membership is right for YOU?
Contact Us to Learn more — or Register Today!