It’s a PEOPLE Project
by Real Estate Recruiting Coach and Speaker Judy LaDeur
Since the dawn of recruiting, we’ve all been told, “it’s a numbers game,” and “it’s a contact sport”. While a portion of that is true – you do have to contact a number of people CONTINUOUSLY to recruit new agents and build your company, it’s not JUST about numbers – or contact. It’s about PEOPLE. And RELATIONSHIPS. Because that is the business you are in really. Not real estate – but those hard working folks who list and sell every day that are people. Getting to the heart of what makes them tick, what makes them successful, and what makes them think of you when it’s time to make a change is the biggest job you have.
So there are three truths you should know…
- It’s not about the money. Almost every time an agent leaves a current broker it doesn’t have anything to do with money. It’s usually a lack of trust, a breakdown in the relationship, or a shift in culture in the company. So keep this in mind – both for staying in touch with those you want to recruit – and maintaining a great relationship with those current agents you want to KEEP.
- Salespeople don’t like to be SOLD. If every contact you make with the folks in your pipeline is about pitching them to move to your office, save yourself time and money now. It won’t work. What does work is CONSISTENT interaction? Non-threatening, non-salesy interaction with something of value. Something that makes them WANT to hear from you.
- It’s not about the first contact or the last. It’s about showing up time and time again in a supportive and positive way. Agents who are looking to make a move don’t go with the first broker that tried to recruit them or even the last – they go with the one who is rock-steady and always there.
Our brokers are loving the way we help them stay consistently in touch and build those relationships. And our Monday Morning Wake Up Call eNewsletters are not only getting the job done for bringing on new recruits – but for helping their agents build their book of business too. As motivational messages with a clear story to tell, valuable information to share, and inspiration that kick starts the week off right, it’s become a tool that allows brokers to stay in touch, share a real estate success strategy, and keep top-of-mind with both their recruiting prospects and their current team. The side benefit? Is the agents then share that message with their sphere and farm and your branding and positive impact on the market spreads.
Picture this: Let’s just say, for easy math’s sake, you are a broker with 50 agents in your office. (Multiply the math for your current numbers.) You send your message every Monday to your current agents. You deliver the agent version of the Monday newsletters (that we provide to our members) and invite them to tweak it, make it their own, and send it to their sphere and farm. If each of your agents has 200 in their sphere or farm, you’re then reaching 10,000 people each week (and helping your agents do the same.) Add to that a recruiting hit list of 50 agents, and you invite them to also tweak and make it their own and share with THEIR sphere or farm. That’s 20,000 each week you are touching. That’s going a long way towards making a serious impact on your market, your communities, and the agents who service it.
Will they all do it? Of course not. But will it stick with the ones who are eager to take the lead? Absolutely. Will it make a difference to those agents who are ready to make a move and wondering who to turn to in terms of a new company, culture, and broker relationship? You bet it will. Position yourself today to be THE broker to talk to in your market. Actively. Consistently. Positively. Your bottom line will thank you for it.
The key to making recruiting easier – and even more fun is to dare to be different. To set yourself apart from your competitors. Our members tell us that we make that so much simpler by providing the creative how-to’s each and every month so they can focus on getting face-to-face with new recruiting prospects. Every month they can choose from new lumpy letters (for top rung recruits), seasonal letters (for B & C lists), and they stay positioned with all of their recruiting lists by using their Monday Morning Wake Up Call eNewsletters and social media tools. Then they use the training they get from the 7+ hours of audio training and 35+ webinars on-demand to feel confident, competent and ready for anything when they have that recruit on the phone or in an interview.
You can too! Join today and take advantage of our special offer of 50% off with the promo code 50OFF any 6-month or annual membership. We’re taking the guesswork out of recruiting for brokers — and they are loving it. We can do the same for you! Questions? Email us today.