Six Ways to Promote Leadership in Your Office

Growing an EMPOWERED Team of Sales Professionals

By Real Estate Recruiting Coach and Speaker Judy LaDeur

Leadership?  Is not about telling people what to do. Or owning the business. Or even writing the checks.  It’s INFLUENCE.  It’s the ability to develop relationships in such a way that people will line up to follow you. Listen to you.  Help you grow.  Help each other grow. Sound like you? Or someone you would like to be?

Your relationship with your agents should be a partnership. A partnership for their success will lead to your mutual success.  And, as you know, partnerships take investment.

Here are 6 great ways to promote that partnership and leadership within your team. 

  1. Lunch and Learn Sessions:  This is a great time to help agents fine-tune their skills, or learn new skills. But it is also a great time to build that personal relationship with your agents.
  2. Schedule a one-on-one session with each of your agents regularly.  Every 30-60 days is great, but every 90 days is the minimum.  What are their challenges and what type of support can you give them?  What is happening in their life? Send follow-up cards to their home after your one-on-one session to show your care and support for that agent
  3. Peer mentoring: Senior agents teamed up with new agents as they join the company for the first 30-60 days.  Many of your senior agents are willing to share their knowledge with newer agents at breakfast or lunch sessions. It’s that person that they can call with general questions, versus you. It allows them to build a strong alliance in the office with a well-respected agent.
  4. Promote THANK YOU’S.  Start a healthy culture of gratitude in your office by leading by example.  Sincerely thank the agents and staff on your team, and even your recruiting prospects — in person, online, and with a handwritten note as often as possible.  Make it a daily practice to thank at least five people per day for their contribution.   Gratitude can be contagious – ask them to pass it on!
  5. Don’t be shy about recognition.  When people are doing the RIGHT things, be sure to sing their praises.  Group emails, social media posts, press releases, flowers, a card, or a little bit of all of the above will go a long way to making people feel appreciated and cared about. And that?  Is a cornerstone of INFLUENCE.
  6. Empower them.  Sometimes as leaders, it’s hard to let go of the reins. Let others take over.  Engage new ideas that are different from your own.  But when you do – when you give people the ability to take their ideas and let OWN them, and help them flourish?  You fuel the passion in your team members that will, in turn, fuel your entire team.

This is a great time of year to re-evaluate your leadership role in your organization and put new strategies in place that will help you skyrocket your results – and your relationship influence with those VIPs who sit around your business table!  Good luck!  

For more great ideas on giving your agents the best resources possible, while attracting awesome new agents, join The Profitable Recruiter.  Take advantage of our special offer of 50% off with the promo code 50OFF any pro membership.  That’s 30% off everything you need to be in the right place at the right time when the agents you want are ready to make a move – including SEVEN HOURS of recruiting audio training!  What are you waiting for? When you join – you and up to 10 managers can access your account! Try it for a month and see what it can do for you. 

10 Great Reasons to Call Recruits

10 step real estate recruiting calls

It Doesn’t Have to Be Difficult!

by Real Estate Recruiting Coach Judy LaDeur

While kicking your second quarter recruiting into high gear – keep an eye on the prize for your goals! Lead your competition by doing these three things: 

  1. Get back to your broker business plan-review it WEEKLY
  2. Listen to the recruiting audio training in your Profitable Recruiter Platform
  3. Set these ten steps for making calls into strategic stone so start hitting the phones

To gain momentum — be willing to do what others are not to get the results you want!  There are several steps to mastering phone calls and many great reasons to pick up the phone.  Here are a few great reasons to call an agent:

  1. Your office  has a co-op transaction with that agent
  2. Your agent has identified them as a great agent to do business within your market
  3. Invite them to a social or educational event that you are hosting
  4. Pay them a compliment. It could be in their production or just the way they conduct business
  5. Introduce yourself if you do not know them
  6. Suggest getting together to meet and exchange information over coffee
  7. Check the progress of a first or second-year agent
  8. Follow up with agents that you have met with but did not YET hire
  9. Call to tell them about the special systems and services that your company offers
  10. Invite those who left to come back

Regardless of why you are calling them, what to say seems to be the biggest challenge for most brokers and recruiters.  For your best results, you should follow a process that allows you to build the relationship and secure the info that you need when the time is right for that agent to make a move.

Our process teaches you how to diffuse the initial response of “I’m busy” or “I’m happy where I am.” When you can lower the resistance in the first few seconds, the call is much easier.  Many brokers jump right in and ask them to meet. That works on occasion, but asking a few questions and engaging them in the conversation will usually result in a better close ratio.

Most agents will say “no” at least two times before saying “yes”! The secret is asking them more than once in more than one way! Most agents will say no before even listening to what you have to say. It’s important to say something that will not only get their attention but pique their curiosity to learn more.

There are also days of the week and times during the day which will have better results. Those who understand the Rules Behind Successful Calling will have fewer no-shows and spend less time making the calls and more time face-to-face with the agents they want.

Want to continue to learn how to be master recruiting skills and be the broker to join in your market?  Bookmark our blogand join The Profitable Recruiter today.  We have a full spectrum of membership benefits with all the tools, strategies, and solutions you need to position yourself to win this year and every year. Our goal is for you to become the “turn-to” broker in your area for every agent.  

Join today and take advantage of our special offer of 50% off with the promo code 50OFF for any membership.  That’s 50% off everything you need to be in the right place at the right time when the agents you want are ready to make a move – including SEVEN HOURS of recruiting audio training!  What are you waiting for? When you join – you and up to 10 managers can access your account! Try it for a month and see what it can do for you.

DISC for Recruiting & Retention

The Link Between Personality Profiles and Recruiting

by Judy LaDeur

I love this tool! The DISC tells you how agents are motivated,  how they will respond when they are unhappy, and what it takes to recruit and retain them.  I have always used a DISC test when hiring new agents into the real estate industry. I also use a test when hiring team members, admin staff, recruiters, and managers. Why? Each of us has specific natural strengths that allow us to do our job easier, which increases the odds of success.

As a Broker, Manager, or Recruiter, using a behavior test makes your job so much easier!

What is DISC? It is a “personality profiling system”. A DISC Profile utilizes a method for understanding behavior, temperament, and personality. It provides a comprehensive overview of the way that people think, act, and interact. It is the most widely used tool of its kind. The DISC Personality Profile is based on the work of renowned psychologist Dr. William Moulton Marston, and was introduced in his 1928 book Emotions of Normal People. William Marston, a contemporary of Carl Jung, developed the DISC Personality Profile after studying the personality traits, behavioral patterns, and instinctual reactions of thousands of individuals. As a result of his work, Marston developed the DISC assessment as a tool to measure four primary behavioral traits:

Dominance (D)
Influence (I)
Steadiness (S)
Conscientiousness (C)

By understanding a person’s behavior pattern, you can:disc

  • Strengthen communication skills
  • Build or identify leadership abilities
  • Diffusing interpersonal conflict
  • Boosting performance and productivity
  • Increase motivation
  • Strengthen workplace skills and relationships
  • Make smart hiring decisions

Personality is the basis of who we are and what we do. Here is a quick overview of each personality type.

With Dominant people

  • Build respect to avoid conflict
  • Focus on facts and ideas rather than the people
  • Have evidence to support your argument
  • Be quick, focused, and to the point
  • Ask what, not how
  • Talk about how problems will hinder accomplishments
  • Show them how they can succeed

With Influential people

  • Be social and friendly with them, building the relationship
  • Listen to them talk about their ideas
  • Help them find ways to translate the talk into useful action
  • Don’t spend much time on the details
  • Motivate them to follow through to complete tasks
  • Recognize their accomplishments

With Steady people

  • Be genuinely interest in them as a person
  • Create a human working environment for them
  • Give them time to adjust to change
  • Clearly define goals for them and provide ongoing support
  • Recognize and appreciate their achievements
  • Avoid hurry and pressure
  • Present new ideas carefully

With Conscientious people

  • Warn them in time and generally avoid surprises
  • Be prepared. Don’t ad-lib with them if you can
  • Be logical, accurate and use clear data
  • Show how things fit into the bigger picture
  • Be specific in disagreement and focus on the facts
  • Be patient, persistent and diplomatic

We are including a chart that covers many different areas of each personality type, and how each type responds differently to the same situation. If you are not familiar with the DISC test, one of my favorite sites is Dr. Tony Alessandra has developed several different tests with extensive reports attached. If you have never taken a DISC test, I would recommend that you take one for yourself, as well as the key members of your team. As you get more familiar with the various different personalities, you will be able to quickly determine the behavior patterns of those you manage, live with and are recruiting.

Continue to learn how to be the master recruiting skills and be the broker to join in your market. If recruiting is a challenge for you, we can help.  

Is recruiting a challenge for you?  We can help.  Join The Profitable Recruiter and gain access to 7+ hours of audio training via downloadable links, powerful recruiting letters and notes, emails, social media tips, over 70 webinars for recruiting and retention, and opportunities to network with the best of the best. Take advantage of our special offer and save 50% on YOUR New Membership with Promo Code: 50OFF.

Judy’s SEVEN HOURS of recruiting audio training covers:

  • interview skills
  • objection handling
  • phone calls
  • recruiting strategies
  • handling stalls
  • recruiting to specific personality types
  • and so much more…

Not sure if this is the right thing for your company?  Contact us to learn why brokers across the country are making it their turn to way to stay positioned for recruiting success in today’s market — and putting the fun back into their recruiting.  (Which is way better than dread – right?) We’re taking the guesswork out of recruiting for brokers — and they are loving it.  We can do the same for you! Questions?  Email us today.  


Make Those Calls!

A Recruiting Pep Talk

By Real Estate Recruiting Coach Judy LaDeur

Now, more than ever, making your phone calls should be your priority if your goal is to continuously build a great team. I do know that everyone has the best of intentions, and life happens. The world is crazy right now. There is so much distraction.  However, now is the best time to get a great return on your investment of time spent on the phone and getting those appointments booked!

If you don’t make your phone calls, you could miss out on some great recruits this season.  BEFORE everyone is in full winter mode – this may be a good time for agents who have not yet ramped up their business to make a move. That’s why we are seeing so many agents doing just that. I recently talked to one of my clients with a team of 12 managers that recruited 59 experienced agents in one month!  Their combined production is $189,000,000! What would a month like that do for your results? The only way to know is to get on those phones. Of course, marketing, promoting your results, and networking also plays an important role. Marketing, promotion, and networking should enhance your results when calling.   Would it be easier to make calls if you had just hired 59 top-producing agents in the past 30 days? Of course, it would, but it all starts with the call.

This time of the year, if you are not going to make the calls to book appointments, then hire someone who will.  Someone recently told me that they thought that making calls was right up there with flying on airplanes, going to the dentist, or having a spider crawl up your leg as the greatest fears to the Broker owners of the nation.  What are you afraid of? I have literally made thousands of phone calls, and I can count on one hand how many times someone has been rude to me.   If someone even thinks of taking a tone with me, I’m quick to remind them, “I just wanted to remind you the fact that I’m calling you is a compliment to you today.”  Usually, I’ll get a change of heart “I’m sorry, I appreciate your call; I was just…” Whatever their reason, stay on task and stay positioned.

One of the best movies I have ever seen that helped me with sales calls is the movie Boiler Room.  Ben Affleck plays the role of a recruiter for new sales reps in a finance firm.  While training a group, he tells them, “There is a sale made on every phone call; either you sell them to buy something, or they sell you why they can’t, but either way, a sale will be made.”  What a powerful reminder.  Keep Ben’s line in mind as you make your calls this month.  Set yourself up for success.  Plan your calls out ahead of time.  Know who you are calling before you get to work. Many of the top recruiters still use the “old school technique: which includes a notebook with the names and numbers of those they are going to call written out.  In the movie The Pursuit of Happyness, the true success story of Chris Gardner, this is the best example of discipline in phone prospecting I have ever seen.  Chris is limited in the time he can call prospects, so he doesn’t drink water, which saves trips to the bathroom, and he never hangs up the phone, which saves him eight minutes a day.  I’m not suggesting anything that extreme; however, have a plan before you arrive at the office tomorrow of who you will call and have their numbers handy.  This organized plan will hold you accountable for your success.

Bottom line? Fire up those phone lines and make the calls. There are six specific audio-training downloads that revolve around phone scripts and strategies in your Profitable Recruiter classroom.  The tools are right there at your fingertips – let us know if you need help accessing them!

Continue to learn how to be the master recruiting skills and be the broker to join your market. If recruiting is a challenge for you, we can help. Join The Profitable Recruiter and gain access to 7+ hours of audio training via downloadable links, powerful recruiting letters and notes, emails, social media tips, and opportunities to network with the best of the best. Join today and take advantage of our special offer of 50% off with the promo code 50OFF for any pro membership.  

We’re taking the guesswork out of recruiting for brokers — and they love it.  We can do the same for you! Questions?  Email us today.  

4 Keys to Keep CHANGE from Creating VULNERABILITY

Recruiting Secrets to Stay AHEAD of the Competition

By Real Estate Recruiting Coach Judy LaDeur

Agents are, understandably, nervous about what market change and looming headlines mean for their businesses, and they are eager for the skills and tools they need to navigate an industry that has seen tremendous CHANGE, especially in the last year and a half.

We have all heard the saying; the only constant thing in life is change.  The same is true for your business.  Change is necessary and needed to move forward. However, change is also the #1 reason for vulnerability in a real estate office.

When you are vulnerable, you can lose agents. There are also times when you should NOT implement a change.

Change is the #1 reason for vulnerability. When you implement change, there are a certain number of agents who will be unhappy with the change. It has the potential to create some resistance in your office.  We understand that it’s impossible to implement a change and have everyone be happy. But here are some tips for implementing change to control vulnerability.

#1: Try to involve your agents whenever possible: If you are changing locations, ask a team of agents to help you locate a new location. Go out with them to scout out new office space. Let your agents sell the group on the new location.  You could also set up a committee to determine the new colors for the office and ideas for office design. Let them spend their time with the designer, but you can make the final decisions.

#2: Use the exchange method: When you take away or add a service, use that opportunity to evaluate all your existing services and tools.  Whenever a company tells me that they are going to add a tool or service, I usually ask them, “Are you planning to discontinue any services or tools in the near future?”  Or if they want to discontinue something, I want to know their plans for the near future.  This allows you to hold a business meeting with your agents and explain that after careful evaluation of all your tools and services, you are making some changes to support them in their business better. You can explain that a certain tool or service is not yielding great results, so you are implementing something better for them.  Another example is: If you are changing compensation, or implementing a new fee, time it with the implementation of a new service.  “We are implementing a transaction fee of ($Amount), but you will no longer be charged for (service).”

#3: Grandfather your existing agents whenever possible when you are changing compensation or fees:  Money is always a tricky change, possibly the most delicate one. When possible, “grandfather” the existing agents and apply the change to those new agents who will be joining after the implementation.  Another idea is to grandfather all agents whose production is above a certain amount. You could say, “If you are generating GCC of $90,000.00 or more, you will be grandfathered with regard to the new changes.”  You can also grandfather agents who have been with the company a long time.  “If you have been with our firm for 10 years, or your production is $(Amount), you will not be subject to the new changes.”  Keep in mind that emotional agents will usually not leave because of the money, but they are hurt that after so many years, or at their level of production, that you would take money out of their pocket, or not honor the original agreement that they had.

#4: A management change is also tricky:  Whenever you change managers, you should consider the personality of the manager that is being replaced. If the manager that is being replaced was very friendly, emotional, and well-liked by the agents, you would be more vulnerable with a new logical manager.  If the manager that you want to put into place is a different personality, you can decrease your vulnerability by putting in an interim manager, or yourself, while they go through their mourning period over the loss of the manager they liked.  What I found worked well was to personally manage the office for a period of 6-12 months. During that time, I would look for a new manager. When I found the new manager, I would bring them in as a manager in training and co-manage with them for 3 months. After 3 months, I would turn the office over to the new manager and ease out over the next 30 days.

Times to avoid change:  There are two times that you want to avoid making a change, if possible. Do not make changes during “recruiting season” or when their production is at a low point. The months of August/September and December/January are probably the two most vulnerable times to make a change. Agents typically have fewer listings and pendings during this time, so making a move is easier. You also do not want to make a change while you are already vulnerable from a prior change. For example, if you just changed the name of your company, don’t change the compensation plan the following week.

Bottom line: The best way to retain your agents if you are vulnerable, is always to be working on retention. Start today by sending thee notes a week to your agents. Think of something nice to say about them and let them know how much you appreciate them.  If you always practice retention, the competition will have a tough time raiding your office.

Continue to learn how to master recruiting skills and be the broker to join in your market. If recruiting is a challenge for you, we can help.  

Join us today and take advantage of our special offer of 50% off with the promo code 50OFF any 6-MONTH or ANNUAL membership.  That’s 50% off everything you need to be in the right place at the right time when the agents you want are ready to make a move – including SEVEN HOURS of recruiting audio training which covers:

  • interview skills
  • objection handling
  • phone calls
  • recruiting strategies
  • handling stalls
  • recruiting to specific personality types
  • and so much more…

What are you waiting for? Join today and save 50% — and add up to 10 managers on your account at no additional cost.  

Not sure if this is the right thing for your company?  Learn why brokers across the country are making it their turn to way to stay positioned for recruiting success in today’s market — and putting the fun back into their recruiting.  (Which is way better than dread – right?) We’re taking the guesswork out of recruiting for brokers — and they are loving it.  We can do the same for you! Questions?  Email us today.  


Proving Value in Today’s World of Disrupters

by Real Estate Coach Judy LaDeur

Today, more than ever, Brokers and Agents need to prove the value of their services. For Brokers, it’s about having the tools and technology to recruit and retain the best agents. For agents, it’s about having the tools and technology that the consumer wants. Both are the responsibility of the Broker, and Brokers who fail to respond to the needs of the agents, as well as the consumer, will find it increasingly difficult to attract or retain the best agents.

One of my favorite sayings is: In the absence of value, money becomes the substitute. There has never been a time when that is truer than it is today.  For clarification, I am not saying that all Brokers who offer a low fee structure lack value.  They could definitely have agent tools and support.  However, what we have seen is that a Broker who lacks tools, support, and services will typically have a compensation schedule with a very high split or low fees.

The majority of companies out there have a very competitive compensation and fee structure, based on the services that they provide. The challenge today is: How do you communicate the value of what you offer in services and tools in a way where money is not the deciding factor? It’s a fact that the Brokerages with the most services and support will cost more because it takes money and support staff to deliver those tools and systems.  If it were just about money, every agent would be with the company in town that would pay them the most or charge them the least. Ask any Broker who has that type of set up and they will tell you, much to their surprise, that the money does not have much of an impact.  In fact, one of my coaching clients has an office in their market that offers 100% commissions to the agents and does not charge them anything!  Yes, that’s a little crazy but there are other reasons for wanting the best agents on your team. That Broker is not recruiting agents from my client. Why?  Because the agents see the value in what is offered at their current office.  In today’s agent world, the value of what you offer is equally important for recruiting as it is in retention, but let’s talk about recruiting.

Once you have identified what the agent wants, the second step is to present the solutions that need and want. Here is where Brokers need to spend some time. Everyone has all the basic stuff that agents want and need.  What do you have that others don’t and most importantly, what are the results that your agents are experiencing as a result of that support? For example, everyone has training of some sort, but perhaps yours is more personalized. Maybe you have coaches who work with your agents.  What are the results that agents have with your style of training? Everyone has marketing, but perhaps you have a marketing director, or an automatic drip marketing campaign. If so, what are the results of the agents who consistently market with your system? Value is created when you can offer proof, in the way of results, when you are presenting those solutions. We created a set of templates for each of you to use in your presentation. They are in your toolbox on the Profitable Recruiter Site. They are easily customized, but the best part is that each has a place for an agent testimonial about that tool or service. If you have not downloaded these tools, please do so today. People remember more of what they see than what they hear PLUS visuals have a greater impact. The best agents recognize value and are willing to pay for it. The same is true for cars or kitchen cabinets. There is a buyer for everything, and there is an agent for every company. Who are the best agents for your company? Those who want and see the value of what you offer.

Continue to learn how to master recruiting skills and be the broker to join in your market.  Bookmark our blog, and join The Profitable Recruiter today.  We have a full spectrum of membership benefits with all the tools, strategies, and solutions you need to position yourself to win this year and every year. Our goal is for you to become the “turn-to” broker in your area for every agent.  

Join today and take advantage of our special offer of 50% off with the promo code 50OFF any membership.  That’s 50% off everything you need to be in the right place at the right time when the agents you want are ready to make a move – including SEVEN HOURS of recruiting audio training!  What are you waiting for? When you join – you and up to 10 managers can access your account! Try it for a month and see what it can do for you.












#1 Question Brokers Ask


What Kind of Marketing Do I Use?

By Judy LaDeur

The #1 question that Brokers ask is what type of marketing is most effective to market themselves, their tools, and their firm.  There are actually two types of marketing and both are essential to long-term success. The two types of marketing are educational and positioning.

Educational marketing is the type of marketing that educates the agents about who you are, what you offer, why they should consider your firm when they are moving.  This type of marketing is very important. The goal is to create curiosity and desire to know more about your company and the opportunities that you offer. You might talk about your training and the results. Anyone who wants to increase their business would be curious or desire to know more, which is how you would then secure interviews. Or you could send out a sample of your marketing pieces, showing agents the quality of your marketing materials as well as the results of some of your agents who are consistent with their marketing. The job an effective “educational” campaign is that the candidate should be 50% sold on your firm when they meet with you, as a result of this type of marketing and education.

What if the potential recruit is perfectly happy and has no desire to move? Are they going to read what you send out? Maybe not. So, how do you get this person’s attention? That’s where the other type of marketing comes in, which is called positioning.

This is marketing that is designed to keep you positioned with the agents that you want to recruit in the future. It needs to be non-threatening. In fact, you should not ask them to meet with you or try to recruit them in your positioning pieces at all. They are simply designed to build the relationship and maintain “top-of-mind” awareness at all times. They are motivational or inspirational in nature.

Agents look forward to hearing from you when you send “feel good” marketing pieces, which is why we created The Profitable Recruiter weekly eNewsletters. They are messages that everyone can connect with or relate to. PLUS, when your recruits, as well as your agents, send those marketing pieces to THEIR clients, friends, and family, YOU are helping them stay positioned with their database for additional business. It does not get better than that!

As you roll out your marketing campaign, include both educational and positioning pieces and apply the Rule of Seven, which is an old marketing adage.

It says that a prospect needs to see or hear your marketing message, it will take at least seven times before they take action. Now the number seven isn’t cast in stone, but it’s a good rule of thumb!

Hit the second half of the year STRONG! We’re here to help!

Want to learn how to master these skills and build an extraordinary team?  Bookmark our blogand join The Profitable Recruiter today.  We have a full spectrum of membership benefits with all the tools, strategies and solutions you need to position yourself to win this year and every year. Our goal is for you to become the “turn-to” broker in your area for every agent.  

Join today and take advantage of our special offer of 45% off with the promo code 50OFF any pro membership.  That’s 50% off everything you need to be in the right place at the right time when the agents you want are ready to make a move – including SEVEN HOURS of recruiting audio training!  What are you waiting for? When you join – you and up to 10 managers can access your account! 




Tackling Your Recruiting Game This Spring with Judy LaDeur and Ixact Recruiter

We were delighted to host Coach Judy LaDeur and Shannon McGhee from IxactRecruiter for a full hour of exploring the NINE things every recruiter should have in place to have a successful recruiting system!

  • Select 100+ agents who are a good fit for your company.
  • Put them into a CRM and set up lots of categories for easy access.
  • Implement a marketing campaign, to include social media and video.
  • Every marketing campaign should educate, create curiosity with results, and stay positioned at all times.
  • The best way to stay positioned is with our Profitable Recruiter weekly motivational emails.
  • Call, text, or anything that allows you to reach out and ask the agent if they are ready to meet. It’s just timing!
  • Do your research on any agent that agrees to meet with you.
  • Develop strong interview skills, that are customized to your company and its unique opportunities. Use visuals with results.
  • Ask them to join!

What’s changed?

The relationship is more important today than ever. Brokers who take the time to develop relationships will have better results.

We have been asked for years for a CRM recommendation for recruiters and managers and we are thrilled to have partnered with IxactRecruiter to provide to you a system to stay connected and top of mind with your recruits and with your current team of agents! We negotiated a 60-Day Extended Free Trial with Ixact Recruiter for all of our Profitable Recruiter Members. Then, just $99/mo. save 15% with annual billing.

To take advantage of this special offer, simply go to!  They’ve got an amazing support team and onboarding processes to help you get up and running quickly!

To get that offer, if you are not currently a Profitable Recruiter Member – now is the time to try us!

Get ready to dial up your recruiting, and position yourself to attract the agents you want sooner rather than later, join top brokers from around the nation who are members of You’ll get all the tools you need each month to position yourself as the broker to join when agents are ready to make a move. Fine tuning your skills this summer? All pro members get access to over SEVEN hours of training via downloadable links including interview skills, scripts, objection handlers, and more. PLUS, you’ll have access to entire libraries of recruiting letters and notes, emails, social media content, training webinars for recruiting and retention, and opportunities to network with the best of the best.

Join today and take advantage of our special offer of  50% off with the promo code 50OFF any pro membership.  That’s 50% off everything you need to be in the right place at the right time when the agents you want are ready to make a move!

We’ll even let you bring the team! For every membership, companies can include ten additional managers or admins at no extra cost!

Want to learn more? Call us today at 813.957.2989! 




Business Planning for Brokers


Getting a Jump on the Competition

With Real Estate Coach Judy LaDeur

It is NOT too early to start planning for a successful new year ahead.  In fact, some brokers I am working with have already gotten a jump on their competition.  Are you ready to talk about putting the pieces in place before your competitors do so that you can have an amazing finish to this year and a head start on your best year ever next year? Then don’t waste another  minute! Let’s dive in!

Here are the questions you should be asking yourself:

On Business Planning:

  • Do I have a mission statement?
  • What is my platform?
  • What is it that our company does really well?
  • What are my company objectives for 2022?
  • How much do I know about my competition?
  • Is it time to create or add new tools?
  • Have I recently evaluated my compelling reasons to join? Are they still compelling? Are they still unique?

On Removing the Barriers:

  • Am I using social media in my recruiting? Is it effective?
  • Am I using text messaging effectively?
  • Do I have a recruiting page on my website with testimonials and results?
  • What is the title on my business card? What does it say about me? What about my email signature?
  • What CRM am I using?
  • How is my time management and what can I delegate?

On the Value of Your Team

  • How much income do I receive per associate on the average?
  • What is my fixed annual overhead?
  • Divide annual fixed overhead by annual income per associates to determine how many agents to break even. (Include your salary in the overhead.)
  • Determine profit desired and add that amount in.
  • How many agents do I need to be profitable?

On Setting Your Goals

  • How many recruits for the year?
  • Divided by 12 for recruits hired monthly.
  • New verses experienced?
  • What will be the market share increase?
  • How many interviews for each one?
  • 2 experienced agents and 1 new per month is a great goal.
  • How many interviews in each category do I need?
  • What action steps/ activities will I do to generate the number of interviews needed?

Click here to download a copy of my Covenant Coaching Broker Business Plan. 

Is recruiting a challenge for you?  We can help.  Join The Profitable Recruiter and gain access to 7+ hours of audio training via downloadable links, powerful recruiting letters and notes, emails, social media tips, over 30 webinars for recruiting and retention, and opportunities to network with the best of the best. Take advantage of our special offer and save 50% on YOUR New Membership with Promo Code: 50OFF.

Not sure if this is the right thing for your company?  Watch this video on demand to learn why brokers across the country are making it their turn to way to stay positioned for recruiting success in today’s market — and putting the fun back into their recruiting.  (Which is way better than dread – right?) We’re taking the guesswork out of recruiting for brokers — and they are loving it.  We can do the same for you! Questions?  Email us today.  


Trial Offer for Recruiting CRM

We have been asked for years for a CRM recommendation for recruiters and managers. During this time of crisis – having a system in place to stay connected has never been more important. That’s why we negotiated a 60-Day Extended Free Trial with Ixact Recruiter for all of our Profitable Recruiter Members. Then just $99/mo. save 15% with annual billing. 

Here’s an overview:

To take advantage of this special offer, simply go to!

They’ve got an amazing support team and onboarding processes to help you get up and running quickly!

Ready to dial up your recruiting, and position yourself to attract the agents you want sooner rather than later, join top brokers from around the nation who are members of You’ll get all the tools you need each month to position yourself as the broker to join when agents are ready to make a move. Fine tuning your skills this summer? All pro members get access to over SEVEN hours of training via downloadable links including interview skills, scripts, objection handlers, and more. PLUS, you’ll have access to entire libraries of recruiting letters and notes, emails, social media content, training webinars for recruiting and retention, and opportunities to network with the best of the best.

Join today and take advantage of our special summer offer of  50% off with the promo code 50OFF any pro membership.  That’s 50% off everything you need to be in the right place at the right time when the agents you want are ready to make a move!