7 Strategies for Real Estate Recruiting Success

A LOT has changed in the last year – but some strategies are always in season. If you’re ready to take your recruiting game to the next level, let’s look at a few of our favorites that always seem to help real estate recruiters knock it out of the park. Some take just a few minutes of your day – but the results — are extraordinary!

Here are a few of our favorites: 

  1. Stay positioned with your entire recruiting list using the Profitable Recruiter Monday Morning email newsletters. These provide non-salesly, motivational, action-oriented touchpoints which keep you top of mind as a broker/recruiter so that when people ARE ready to make a move, they think of your organization.
  2. Customize those emails. While we love a good cut and paste, your emails should be branded to your organization.  Consider including links to agent testimonials, links to pages on your site that refer to compensation differentiators, a personal note from you or your leadership team, a spotlight of recent recruits, including their name, photo, and charity of choice, and links to upcoming training or networking events.
  3. Send Lumpy Letters to the top 25 recruiting prospects every month. Have some fun with them – and follow up with those prospects.
  4. Use LinkedIn to connect with potential recruits. Send your prospects a message, endorse them, write a reference on LinkedIn, then follow up. More often than not, you’ll have done more than their current broker.  While you’re in there – be sure to do the same for your CURRENT team of agents!  Set aside 15 minutes a morning to do this one simple strategy – you’ll surprise and delight yourself with the results!
  5. Sponsor fun events. We loved the Taco & Tequila Tuesdays, Wine Down Wednesdays, and even virtual happy hours that many of our members have hosted. They are fun networking opportunities where agents can connect, share ideas, and learn.  Some host it at a restaurant near their company headquarters and offer dessert back at the office, where they can tour the facility and learn more about what the company offers.  Their current team of agents’ “admission” to the event is to bring another agent.  Everyone has fun – and it’s bringing agents through the doors!
  6. Call at least ten agents a day for appointments. You won’t reach all ten more than likely, but you are making the calls and contacts and setting the stage for success.
  7. Let them know that you want them on board. Often brokers feel like it is too strong to ask for the commitment after the first recruiting appointment, but what they don’t realize is that often means the potential recruit isn’t even sure that you WANT to hire them. Be assertive and friendly – and try Judy’s classic handshake close that has helped brokers worldwide hire people on the spot.  (You can learn more about that in the interview skills section of your 7+ hours of audio training.)

These powerful steps are a great way to create the kind of dramatic momentum you are looking for. The right tools, strategies, and of course – perseverance as a recruiter is a win-win-win combination.

Stay positioned with the agents you are eager to recruit!  Join us today and take advantage of our special offer of 50% off with the promo code 50OFF any membership.  That’s 50% off everything you need to be in the right place at the right time when the agents you want are ready to make a move – including SEVEN HOURS of recruiting audio training!  What are you waiting for? When you join – you and up to 10 managers can access your account! Try it for a month and see what it can do for you.    

The Power of Sprint Goals



We are truly in a season of CHANGE, and so many in our industry have felt like they’ve been in a holding pattern over the last six months especially. NOW is the time to change things up, and re-energize yourself, your team, and your productivity.

One of the best ways to do that is with SPRINT GOALS. Defined as short-term objectives completed within 30 days or less, are particularly suited to the dynamic and ever-changing landscape of the real estate industry.

Sprint Goals for Agents: Boosting Listing Inventory

Securing listings is more critical than ever. Agents can leverage sprint goals to intensify their listing activities, setting specific targets such as hosting a certain number of open houses weekly or reaching a targeted number of new prospects through social media campaigns each month. These precise, short-term goals help agents maintain a clear focus and drive actions that directly contribute to increasing their listing inventory.

Sprint Goals for Brokers: Strategic Recruitment and Team Building

For brokers, this is a great time for team expansion and re-imagining what your team looks like. Implementing sprint goals can streamline the recruitment process, making it a more structured and outcome-focused endeavor. Brokers should set daily recruiting call goals as well as a goal to conduct a specific number of interviews weekly or to connect with potential team members at industry events. These goals not only facilitate effective recruitment but also help in building a cohesive and robust team dynamic.

Action Steps: The Pathway to Achievement

Each sprint goal must be paired with actionable steps to ensure progress. For example, if a broker’s goal is to improve team communication, an action step could be to initiate regular team meetings or feedback sessions. These actions serve as the building blocks for achieving the set goals, providing a clear path forward and ensuring accountability.

Team Engagement and Office-Wide Goals

Creating sprint goals that involve the entire office can lead to a more engaged and collaborative team environment. Collective goals encourage team members to work together towards common objectives, enhancing teamwork and fostering a sense of shared achievement.

The Role of Gamification and Rewards

Introducing rewards and gamification into the sprint goal framework can significantly enhance motivation and participation. By setting up a system where achievements are recognized and rewarded, brokers and agents can transform their work into a more enjoyable and competitive experience, driving productivity and success.

In Summary

Sprint goals offer a pragmatic and effective method to stay focused and agile in a fast-paced industry. By setting clear, attainable objectives and pairing them with actionable steps, real estate brokers and agents can significantly improve their operational efficiency, team dynamics, and overall market performance.

This is the time of year to keep your agents focused on setting those short-term goals. Set sprint goals for the office that they can achieve as a team and reward their success.

Recruiting can sometimes seem daunting, but sprint goals help put some fun into it. Create a reward system for yourself each week you stay on track and committed to making those goals a reality. Stay positive, present, and clear on what you want to accomplish – then go for it.

We are here to help!

Want to learn how to increase your market share and build an extraordinary team?  Bookmark our blogand join The Profitable Recruiter today.  We have a full spectrum of membership benefits with all the tools, strategies and solutions you need to position yourself to win this year and every year. Our goal is for you to become the “turn-to” broker in your area for every agent.  

Join today and take advantage of our special offer of 50% off with the promo code 50OFF any pro membership.  That’s 50% off everything you need to be in the right place at the right time when the agents you want are ready to make a move – including SEVEN HOURS of recruiting audio training!  What are you waiting for? When you join – you and up to 10 managers can access your account! Try it for a month and see what it can do for you.


Are You Communicating Your Real Value?

real estate recruiting, communicating value

In today’s market, simply offering “good stuff” isn’t enough to attract top agents. While most companies boast excellent tools and opportunities for agents to thrive financially, these alone won’t guarantee effective recruitment. The key lies in demonstrating the tangible value of your services. Without clear evidence of this value, agents may remain skeptical, rendering your value proposition ineffective. Utilizing concrete data such as studies, testimonials, and actual results strengthens your case and underscores the real impact of your offerings.

One of the most effective methods to showcase value is through agent testimonials. By letting agents share their success stories, you shift the burden of proof away from yourself. These testimonials inherently validate your services, making your job easier during the recruitment process.

However, articulating your value begins well before the interview stage.

Building trust and relationships with potential recruits through thoughtful engagement lays the groundwork for a smoother recruitment process. Leveraging social media and strategic marketing, such as “Just Hired” announcements, can pique interest and showcase your team’s accomplishments. Regular communication, whether through phone calls or other channels, also plays a crucial role in discussing and reinforcing your company’s value.

This moment is also opportune for reevaluating your value proposition. Remember, your value proposition extends beyond tools and systems; it encapsulates the overall benefit and impact of your services in exchange for an agent’s effort or investment. Your proposition should not only highlight these benefits but also provide compelling evidence of their effectiveness.

In today’s competitive market, identifying what sets you apart from competitors is crucial. Ask yourself:

  • What unique advantages do you offer over other brokers?
  • What innovative practices or services do you provide?
  • How do your systems and tools help agents maximize their earnings?
  • What enhancements do you bring to your agents’ work environment?
  • What tangible results have agents achieved a year after joining your team?

Once you’ve pinpointed these unique selling points, tailor your presentation to address the specific needs and desires of potential recruits. Use a structured approach:

  1. Reiterate their needs as identified during the questioning phase.
  2. Present a solution or tool that addresses those needs.
  3. Reinforce your solution with visual aids and testimonials to demonstrate real-world results.

By adopting this focused and evidence-based approach, you’ll not only reinforce your value proposition but also significantly enhance your recruitment efforts in a changing real estate market.

Recruiting is about staying top of mind. The more contacts you make CONSISTENTLY, the more recruits you will have. Need help? Join The Profitable Recruiter.

In addition to the weekly emails, the recruiting platform is loaded with scripts, lumpy letters, seasonal letters, notes, social media content, and various other recruiting tools each month. We also have seven and a half hours of intense recruiting training and articles with some of the top brokers in the country and industry experts sharing their tips for success on our blog. Check it out at www.TheProfitableRecruiter.com

Join today and take advantage of our special offer of 50% off with the promo code 50OFF for any 6-month or annual membership.  It includes up to 10 manager seats per membership. That’s 50% off everything you need to be in the right place at the right time when the agents you want are ready to make a move! In addition, you can add up to TEN managers for each membership. Questions? Contact us today at 813-957-2989.