Be Prepared to STOP Losing Market Share

Meeting Change Head On

By Real Estate Recruiting Coach and Speaker Judy LaDeur

If this year has taught us anything – it’s that change is inevitable — and your ability to respond to it makes all the difference in terms of how you lead, who follows, and how your organization will grow in the year ahead.

As we head into 2022 – it’s time to ask yourself – are you PREPARED to continuously adapt to change? If not, you’ll lose market share to those who are.

One thing that we are certain of is that thousands of agents are getting ready to retire. Many of the baby boomer agents are planning their exit strategy today.

Bottom line? As a broker, if just 10 of your agents leave over the next few years, averaging $5 million in business each, you lose 50 million dollars in business and market share. Many of those agents looking to retire are selling far more than $5 million in real estate. The impact to you, the broker, and your organization is that when you lose market share it makes it tougher for everyone in the office to compete. There is a solution. Implement a program that allows your agents to partner up with another agent in your office one to two years before they retire, forming a team. That’s the first step towards a retiring agent being able to sell their business.

Putting this in place is a win-win for everyone. The retiring agent gets to sell their business and you retain the market share.  Agents are selling their businesses for $100,000 or more. It’s a great retention tool and it’s a great recruiting tool. If we study the past one thing we know for sure is that the next time the market tightens up or it gets tough to sell real estate, we will see a huge number of agents say, “I’m done!” 

A NAR survey indicated that 87% of all agents surveyed, plan to walk away from their real estate business without even trying to sell it!  That’s why we put a system together to teach agents everything they need to sell or acquire a thriving real estate business, including sample letters, sample contracts, guidelines, success strategies, behavior profiles, database management insights.

Brokers, create some time and space for this kind of training in your organization. It’s both a great recruiting tool and a way for you to provide this timely topic for your team so that they are not just working IN their businesses – but working ON their businesses.

Perfect for agents who are retiring or relocating, agents who want to develop a business that they can sell in the future, agents who want to acquire a business to increase their income, as well as EVERY broker! Brokers no longer need to lose the market share of retiring and relocating agents.

Contact me today to talk about providing this kind of training to your team virtually! 

Want to continue to learn how to be the turn-to broker in your market?  Bookmark our blogand join The Profitable Recruiter today.  We have a full spectrum of membership benefits with all the tools, strategies and solutions you need to position yourself to win this year and every year. Our goal is for you to become the “turn-to” broker in your area for every agent.  

Join today and take advantage of our special offer of 50% off with the promo code 50OFF any pro membership.  That’s 50% off everything you need to be in the right place at the right time when the agents you want are ready to make a move – including SEVEN HOURS of recruiting audio training!  What are you waiting for? When you join – you and up to 10 managers can access your account! Try it for a month and see what it can do for you.