Four Factors You CAN Control in Recruiting

Positioning Yourself for Exponential Results

By Real Estate Recruiting Coach Judy LaDeur

Bottom line? Recruiting is the lifeblood of your real estate brokerage. If you are not actively recruiting, you are on your way out of business. You can have the best team in the industry, but at some point, every agent that you have will leave. They will retire, they may get ill, and they might just get tired of working, or relocate. But for reasons out of your control, they will leave.  There are many things that you can control to keep them there for as long as possible.  Here are those things which you can control:

  1. Office Environment & Culture: The brokers I know who are excellent recruiters, also provide an exciting work environment for their agents. They are in the office to greet their agents daily, they create reasons for the agents to come into the office, they host fun events throughout the year in the office, and the office has a clean, professional look about it. Create a welcome, efficient place for your agents to network, meet clients, and impress your recruits and you’re one step ahead of your competition.
  1. Create a Written Profile of the Perfect Agent for Your Office:  By writing down what it would take him or her to be the perfect fit for your team, your mind will actively look for people who fit your profile. Have you ever noticed that if you buy a new blue car, that suddenly you see that color and model everywhere? Once you are aware of something, your mind will point it out.  The same is true for agents.  When you are consciously aware of what you are looking for, your mind will also quickly discount people who do not meet your profile. You will hire more of the right agents, and fewer agents who fall short of your criteria. The time to talk about your criteria and expectations for your agents is in the interview process.  Don’t be shy. During the interview say things such as “The ideal agent for our team is an agent who is looking for (quality). Our expectations of those who join our team are (expectation).  The typical agent on our team averages (annual income). Those who are right for your team will make statements that confirm they meet your criteria.  If you are hiring new agents, you may want a separate profile, which may encompass areas such as passion, drive, experience in other sales fields, and education. A new agent’s desire and persistence can overcome many obstacles. For experienced agents, you may want to consider things such as the time constraints each one will put on you or your staff. It seems there are always a few agents in each office that take up the bulk of the leader’s time.  Your focus should be to find good people so you can replace the ones who do not meet your criteria.
  1. Prospecting: Once you know who you want, you next job is to find those agents and position yourself and your company to recruit them. Prospecting effectively allows you to fill your office with the kind of agents who fit your profile, which will enable you to earn more money. Prospecting can take on many forms such as direct mail, social media, face to face interaction with agents, phone calls, texting, emails and anything which will allow you to connect with the right agent for your team. Prospecting does two things: It keeps you positioned with the agents that you want until they are ready to move. It also tells you which agents are ready to make a move that day.  For that reason, calling must be a daily part of your prospecting, but don’t try to recruit them over the phone. The purpose of the call is to get the interview. They can’t sign up over the phone. I am amazed at the number of brokers who do not prospect, and most prospect less than their agents do. The brokers with the most productive offices lead by example. They are always prospecting and building their business, just like they expect their agents to prospect. Are you willing to get in the mud with your troops? Are you willing to show and teach them by example the value of prospecting? Are you going to teach them through your actions what leadership is about?
  1. Powerful presentation: Just as your agents need to perfect their best listing presentation — you need to create a dynamic presentation which is customized to each agent. The agent needs to feel that you have a lot to offer him/her in knowledge and experience. Your presentation should be based on well-scripted questions to find their hot buttons as well as products and services that they currently need in their real estate career. The better you learn what the agent is looking for, the more powerful your presentation will be.  Focus on hiring agents on value. What is the value to them in joining your team? How much more can they earn as a member of your team? Just as agents can get more listings by reducing their commission, you can always get more agents by lowering your fees or increasing your splits. Do the best sales agents reduces their fees and profits just to get more listings? NO. And the best brokers do not “buy agents”.  They do, however, end each interview with an invitation to join their team, if the agent is a good fit.

Is recruiting a challenge for you?  We can help.  Join The Profitable Recruiter and gain access to 7 hours of training via downloadable links, hundreds of recruiting letters and notes, emails, social media contents, webinars for recruiting and retention, and opportunities to network with the best of the best. 

If you’re ready to get your recruiting ON TRACK and keep it there —  join today and take advantage of our 50% off special using promo code 50OFF.

Learn why brokers of every company size are making it their turn to way to stay positioned for recruiting success in today’s market — and putting the fun back into their recruiting. We’re taking the guesswork out of recruiting for brokers — and they are loving it.  We can do the same for you! Questions?  Email us today.  

The 7-Step Interview Process

by Real Estate Recruiting Coach Judy LaDeur

The problem with most interviews is that we spend too much time trying to sell them, and not enough time trying to determine what they want. By knowing what they want, there are very effective ways to help them see the advantages of joining your company. In fact, your presentation should only address their needs and should also show them how they can dramatically increase their income by joining your company.

The 7-Step Interview Process

Step 1: The Set-Up = The Direction

  • Set up the interview by sharing your goals and agenda.
  • You should know if the agent is an emotional decision maker or a logical decision maker within the first 5-10 minutes.
  • You need to mirror your candidate for optimal results. Maintain a business-like manner for logical agents and a friendly, warm manner for emotional agents.

Step 2The Investigation = The Discovery Process

  • Ask questions designed to discover the agent’s concerns and needs.
  • This is your foundation and you should determine which systems to present at this phase.
  • Remember to stay relaxed and friendly for the emotional agents.
  • Remain business-like for the logical agents.

Step 3The Presentation = a discussion designed to deliver what they need and want

  • The presentation should be customized for each recruit.
  • It should include the systems or opportunities that the recruit is looking for or needs.
  • When you present the systems, you should build value and keep the recruit involved in the presentation.
  • Only present what the recruit wants to hear, not what you think is important!
  • For the emotional decision makers, this is where the sale must take place.

Step 4:  The Recap or ROI = to determine the Position of the Journey

  • Ask the recruit, “Can you see yourself working with
    ?” If he/she says yes, proceed forward with the recap of what was discussed and determined. Get their initial commitment at this stage.

Step 5The Details

  • Explain the details (i.e., your various compensation programs, costs, etc.)
  • You should explain details simply, as quickly as possible and in an assumptive format for emotional agents.
  • For logical agents, this is where the sale takes place. Give the logical agents lots of detail and answer all questions accurately.

Step 6The Close = The decision or arrival of the destination

  • Ask a question that causes the recruit to take action.

Step 7Handle Stalls and Objections = can be diversions

  • Use the same process to overcome stalls and objections that you use with buyers and sellers. Remember to close 3 times.
  • Use a value close to rediscover the value and show income potential with your company. The recruit should be able to increase his/her income by making the move.

Learn the in-depth strategies for all seven of these in the audio training available with your Profitable Recruiter Membership! 

Want to learn how to master these skills and build an extraordinary team?  Bookmark our blogand join The Profitable Recruiter today.  We have a full spectrum of membership benefits with all the tools, strategies and solutions you need to position yourself to win this year and every year. Our goal is for you to become the “turn-to” broker in your area for every agent.  

Join today and take advantage of our special offer of 50% off with the promo code 50OFF any pro membership.  That’s 50% off everything you need to be in the right place at the right time when the agents you want are ready to make a move – including SEVEN HOURS of recruiting audio training!  What are you waiting for? When you join – you and up to 10 managers can access your account! Try it for a month and see what it can do for you.

The Opportunities in Change

The Opportunities in Change real estate recruiting

The Cyclical World of Real Estate Sales

By Judy LaDeur

The world — and the world of real estate — is one of the cycles. And certainly, we are in a stage of change right now in markets all over the globe. Change can be a little intimidating for some agents, but with the right mindset, tools, and training — it presents opportunities at every turn. How you deliver the possibilities and help agents navigate change is powerful.  Perception is reality. As the Broker, you are the captain of the ship. The person in charge of the information that is distributed, as well as how it is perceived. You are also responsible for the routing of the journey. As the captain of the ship, if you saw that there was a potential storm on the horizon, would you alter your course? Would you start to make plans and prepare? Of course, you would. A real estate office is no different. Regardless of what happens in the market, there are things on the horizon that you should be planning for today.

Things that you know will happen, such as:

  • Some agents are feeling ready but anxious about change.
  • Most agents are struggling with a correcting and shifting market, higher interest rates, and uncertainty. This makes it easier for them to change offices. That makes you vulnerable as a Broker but also creates opportunities as a Recruiter. What are you doing today to prevent your agents from leaving, and what are you doing to position yourself as the Broker agents think of when making a move?

When you look forward, you can be better prepared for whatever the market does. Here are a few tips to help navigate through any storms on the horizon.

  1. Schedule training for your agents designed to support their business, adapt to change, foster a strong finish to the year, a sense of confidence, and the tools they need to thrive.
  2. Host some fun events, or contests, to keep your agents focused on business, even in these challenging times!
  3. Create marketing pieces for your agents to use to position themselves in front of their clients for new listings.
  4. Remind your agents that there is no better time to stay consistent with their Monday morning messages to their clients. Stay top of mind for additional business opportunities.
  5. Don’t forget to send your Monday Morning Motivation Messages to your recruits each week. Once we head into the holidays, it is especially important for you, as the Broker, to stay positioned with potential recruits.

And don’t forget, there are always changes and cycles in this business. You can change the size of the wave, but you can learn to surf! 

Want to learn how to increase your market share and build an extraordinary team?  Bookmark our blogand join The Profitable Recruiter today.  We have a full spectrum of membership benefits with all the tools, strategies and solutions you need to position yourself to win this year and every year. Our goal is for you to become the “turn-to” broker in your area for every agent.  

Join today and take advantage of our special offer of 50% off with the promo code 50OFF any membership.  That’s 50% off everything you need to be in the right place at the right time when the agents you want are ready to make a move – including SEVEN HOURS of recruiting audio training!  What are you waiting for? When you join – you and up to 10 managers can access your account! Try it for a month and see what it can do for you.


Smart Strategy: Recruiting the Second Year Agent


Guidelines, Action Plans, & Dialogues

By Real Estate Recruiting Coach Judy LaDeurhandshake close Judy

Did you know that agents who have been in the business for 12-24 months are the easiest to hire?  Why? Most new agents do not know what to look for in a brokerage, but if they made the wrong choice, they usually make a move in their second year.  Since they are not settled into their office yet, they are not as loyal as those who have been in the same office for years. They are searching for a better option. So, why not give them one?

Here are some guidelines for hiring this type of agent, as well as the advantages to hiring them.

Hiring Guidelines:

  • You need to interview them carefully, since some of these agents should not be in real estate.
  • You need a coaching and/or mentoring program in place.
  • They need lots of education and training.
  • You need to hold them accountable.


  • The majority of all agents who go on to become top producers will make their first move within their first two years in the business.
  • This is the easiest way to get in front of a lot of agents to fine-tune your interview skills to be ready for recruiting season
  • If you get them early, you can keep them for life with the right support.
  • They are very loyal to you once you get them since you rescued their real estate career.

Action Plan:

  • Determine which agents in the marketplace have been in the real estate business for 24 months or less. You should be able to get that list from the state or board. If not, you have a little research to do.
  • Call using the dialog below.
  • Implement a program to welcome all new recruits in your area. You can follow the guidelines of my “Welcome New Agent” system, which is: send a letter to all new recruits to welcome them to the business, follow up with a phone call to introduce yourself, then follow up 3-4 months later to see how they are doing, Add the ones who are up and running to your hit list and build a relationship with them.
  • Implement a mentoring program.
  • Organize weekly coaching sessions.
  • Hold new and newer agents accountable for the first 90 days.
  • Gather statistics and testimonials from agents who join and do well with your company.
  • Someone needs to be responsible for a program. If it is not you, then you need to get someone to run it for you.
  • In the interview process, these agents need/are looking for: marketing support, a strong name in the marketplace, coaching, training, mentoring, business planning, and a proven way to build their business, as well as testimonials of others who have succeeded with your firm.

Dialog to get them in for the interview:

“Our records indicate that you are fairly new to the business. Is that correct? How long have you been in real estate? How is your real estate career progressing?”

“The reason for my call is: A NAR survey of top producers indicated that approximately 87% of all agents surveyed made their first move, their first year in real estate. Have you made your first move?”

If yes: “When did you make your move? Who did you start your career with? Because you have made your first move, statistically speaking, you’re on your way to becoming a top producer, so I would like to set up a time for you, and I should get together so we can start to build a relationship. Most agents will make 2-3 moves in their real estate career, so we would like to give you some info about (your company name) now so that when that time comes, you will know enough about us to know if we are a good option for you.”

If no: “Are you making the kind of money that you thought you would make when you got into the real estate business? What type of personalized coaching, mentoring, and training have you received?

If you knew that you could take your career to the next level and make the kind of money you hoped you could make by making a move to (your company name), would you make the move?  (If yes) Let’s get together and see if you can.”

Set an appointment to come in that day or the following day if possible. The sooner they come in, the better the results.  Don’t forget that the best time to call agents is 9:00-10:00 am at their home. Have fun and enjoy your results!

By the way – once you get them into the office for an interview and you feel like they are a great fit – don’t forget to try my signature “handshake close”.  It’s getting AMAZING results for my recruiting coaching members all over the world.  If you’re a Profitable Recruiter Member — login to your audio training and learn how it works!

Ready to dial up your recruiting, and position yourself to attract the agents you want sooner rather than later? Join top brokers from around the nation who are members of You’ll get all the tools you need each month to position yourself as the broker to join when agents are ready to make a move. Fine-tuning your skills this summer? All members get access to over SEVEN hours of training via downloadable links, including interview skills, scripts, objection handlers, and more. PLUS, you’ll have access to entire libraries of recruiting letters and notes, emails, social media content, training webinars for recruiting and retention, and opportunities to network with the best of the best.

Join today and take advantage of our special offer of 50% off with the promo code 50OFF any pro membership. That’s 50% off everything you need to be in the right place at the right time when the agents you want are ready to make a move!




Powerful Phone Skills Can Be Easy!

Putting ALL the Pieces in Place for Successful Recruiting

By Real Estate Recruiting Coach Judy LaDeur

What do top recruiters/brokers do daily to ensure consistent results in recruiting?   It is really pretty simple.  Most do what others are unwilling to do to get the desired results!  There are several steps to mastering phone calls and many great reasons to pick up the phone. Here are ten great reasons to call an agent:

  1. Your office has a co-op transaction with that agent.
  2. Your agent has identified them as a great agent to do business within your market.
  3. Invite them to a social or educational event that you are hosting.
  4. Pay them a compliment. It could be on their production or just the way they conduct business.
  5. Introduce yourself if you do not know them.
  6. Suggest getting together to meet and exchange information over coffee.
  7. Check the progress of a first or second-year agent.
  8. Follow up with agents that you have met with but did not YET hire.
  9. Call to tell them about the special systems and services that your company offers.
  10. Invite those who left to come back!

Regardless of why you call them, what to say seems to be the biggest challenge for most brokers and recruiters.  For your best results, you should follow a process that allows you to build the relationship and secure the info that you need when the time is right for that agent to make a move.

Our process teaches you how to diffuse the initial response of “I’m busy” or “I’m happy where I am.” When you can lower the resistance in the first few seconds, the call is much easier.  Many brokers jump right in and ask them to meet. That works occasionally, but asking a few questions and engaging them in the conversation will usually result in a better close ratio.

Most agents will say “no” at least two times before saying “yes”! The secret is asking them more than once in more than one way! Most agents will say no before even listening to what you have to say. It’s important to say something that will not only get their attention but pique their curiosity to learn more.

There are also days of the week and times in the day which will have better results. Those who understand the Rules Behind Successful Calling will have fewer no-shows and spend less time making the calls and more time face to face with the agents they want.

Do you want to hire more agents?  Mastering the phone is an important part of the puzzle! Not only will you learn many of these vital tools in the 7+ hours of audio training that you get as part of your Profitable Recruiter Pro membership – you have the advantage of learning on demand – individually or as a leadership team.

And if you HAVEN’T put systems in place to ALWAYS have the tools you need to grow your team with fewer headaches and more results – consider joining The Profitable Recruiter today.  Take 50% off with the promo code 50OFF — PLUS, can add up to 10 managers or admins to your account at no extra cost!  That’s 50% off everything you need to be in the right place at the right time when the agents you want are ready to make a move – AND includes the SEVEN HOURS of recruiting audio training, webinars on demand, scripts, letters, social media tools and more!  What are you waiting for? Register today.

 Identifying and Communicating Your Value Proposition

By Real Estate Recruiting Coach Judy LaDeur

The most important asset within your company is the people. Attracting the right people means attracting those aligned with your values and vision.  This gives you an opportunity to create a flourishing environment that translates into an improved bottom line.

Putting a strong team in place will require you to answer a few tough questions first. You must be able to share details about your company in “what’s in it for them” terms. Explain how a move would benefit them both personally and professionally. Because let’s face it, switching companies is a very scary decision for most people. Diffuse fears by accurately and effectively sharing the “WHY” that sets you apart from your competition. What does this look like?

You must define:

  • What you do better than your competitors
  • What you are doing that your competitors are not
  • How you can help potential recruits earn more money through your systems and tools
  • How you enhance the working environment of your agents
  • What real results other members of your team have seen since making a move

Once you answer those questions, the next step is spelling out the reasons any agent would want to join your team. In my training, I ask each broker to come up with their 12 most compelling reasons. Unfortunately, twelve reasons can be difficult for a lot of brokers. For that reason, I have created a blueprint that you can follow to begin crafting your list.

12 Compelling Reasons Recruits Will Say YES to Joining Your Company

# 1:  Strong Leadership: Vision, support with problem-solving, and leaders who are acting like leaders. Take it one step further and determine what specific value you and your expertise bring to your team.

#2: Lead Generation: Agents need to prospect, but they want companies that are working to generate leads for them as well. There are lead generation companies out there that are charging agents up to $1000 a month for leads and believe it or not, agents are paying. Why? Because agents want those internet leads or any leads that the company can provide. What are you willing to provide?

#3: Name Brand Awareness: Companies with a strong presence in the market, locally and nationally, are doing well with their recruiting efforts. Name awareness is tied to market share. The best agents understand that the stronger the name/market share, the easier it is to compete for business.

#4: Education/Training: Agents are looking to fine-tune their skills. Many are staring down steep learning curves for technology and virtual presentations. Many agents know they need to get back to the basics and most realize the value of staying current in an ever-changing real estate industry. The best agents also understand the value of securing specialized training or securing certain designations for areas of specialization. Such areas might include: Virtual presentation, social media and digital marketing, niche-market prospecting, and technology.

#5: Positive office attitude and healthy environment in the office: Agents want a positive work environment with competent and positive peers. It is easy for me to see that the offices with the best production and best attitude have brokers with a great attitude. Those same brokers spent the last 5 years getting rid of their dead weight and many are more profitable today than they have been in years!

#6: Mastermind Groups and networking opportunities with other top producers:  Many of the best agents enjoy connecting with the other successful agents. Their needs and approach to the real estate business is different from those just getting started, so why not give them the opportunity to grow and play together? Agents who work hard, play hard and spend time together are more likely to stay together

#7: Marketing support/tools: Marketing is the #1 thing that agents need to stay in touch with their sphere and past customers. What can you do to assist or support their marketing efforts?

#8: Client/ data management tools: Many agents struggle when it comes to managing their data and client info. Do you have an easy-to-use customer relationship management tool that allows them to input their data, send out marketing, and locate client data quickly?

#9: Coaching and accountability: We see many companies implementing very successful coaching programs, with some great results. If the company does not provide coaching, the agents might hire outside the organization. The cost can range from $500 -$1000. What that tells me is this: if they want it and it has value to them, they will pay for it! Your agents need accountability and sometimes a third party is the best way to keep them on track and accountable. Your best option is to coach them yourself or have someone else in house that can effectively coach them. If this isn’t possible, seek out a good coach and work out an agreement with them to coach those agents who want it.

#10: Administrative support: Agents are working harder, but most are not working smarter. What can you do to support them behind the scenes?  What can you take off their plate to give them more balance in their life and work?

#11:  Proven results with proven systems: It’s not enough to have systems and tools. Your need to know what the results are from each of the systems and tools you offer. Use exact results, NAR survey results, national brand results, testimonials from your agents as well as success stories. Bring those results into your interviews.  Everyone says they can help potential recruits, but those who can prove it are winning in today’s market.

#12: Security: The bottom line for any agent making a move is whether or not they will feel secure at their new location. The more answers you can provide on the above list, the better they will feel, and when they feel good…they join!

Take some time to sit down and determine what your best selling points are as an organization.  Ask your agents what they love most about being part of your business family.  Then couple these powerful 12 reasons with your own compelling attributes and get ready to knock it out of the park this fall!

Want to continue to learn how to be the turn-to broker in your market?  Bookmark our blog, and join The Profitable Recruiter today.  We have a full spectrum of membership benefits with all the tools, strategies and solutions you need to position yourself to win this year and every year. Our goal is for you to become the “turn-to” broker in your area for every agent.  

Join today and take advantage of our special offer of 50% off with the promo code 50OFF any pro membership.  That’s 50% off everything you need to be in the right place at the right time when the agents you want are ready to make a move – including SEVEN HOURS of recruiting audio training!  What are you waiting for? When you join – you and up to 10 managers can access your account! Try it for a month and see what it can do for you.


7 Tips for Guiding Your Agents Through NAR Lawsuit Uncertainty


This year has felt like a rollercoaster for real estate professionals. Market changes. Lawsuit drama. Negative media. Change is scary for a lot of people and you have to be the calm in the storm for your team.

With all this uncertainty, it’s natural for agents to feel shaken. As a leader, it falls to you to provide steady guidance.

Here are seven tips:

  1. Remain calm and project confidence. Your agents look to you to set the tone. If you appear flustered, they will become more anxious. Show that you have a steady hand on the wheel.
  2. Communicate frequently. Don’t let agents speculate and gossip. Be transparent about what’s happening and what it means. Hold regular meetings to answer questions. Silence breeds unease.
  3. Put changes in context. The settlement repercussions will take a little more time to resolve. Reassure agents that you are there for them every step of the way to answer questions and make sure they have what they need.
  4. Shift focus to fundamentals. In uncertain times, smart agents focus on the basics: lead generation, marketing, and customer service. Remind your team that these core activities drive success despite outside forces.
  5. Find opportunities. Change brings opportunities, whether it’s refining your value proposition or attracting new agents. Focus on how your brokerage can adapt and improve.
  6. Project positivity. Your attitude is contagious. If you act scared, agents will too. Share why you’re excited about the future and the success you see ahead
  7. Be their anchor. Agents will sway with every market shift and news article. Your job is to ground them through the ups and downs. Be their voice of reason.

Real estate is constantly evolving. As leaders, our jobs are to provide steady guidance in both calm and rough seas. By relying on fundamental leadership principles, brokers can help agents thrive through uncertainty. With the right support, your team will ride the rollercoaster we’ve been on and emerge stronger than ever.

For more great ideas on giving your agents the best resources possible, while attracting awesome new agents, join The Profitable Recruiter.  Take advantage of our special offer of 50% off with the promo code 50OFF any pro membership.  That’s 50% off everything you need to be in the right place at the right time when the agents you want are ready to make a move – including SEVEN HOURS of recruiting audio training!  What are you waiting for? When you join – you and up to 10 managers can access your accountTry it for a month and see what it can do for you. 

One Quick Dialogue to Get You BACK on the Phones

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Say NO to Rejection

by Real Estate Recruiting Coach Judy LaDeur

Recruiting is still the lifeblood of this industry.  We all know that in order to make the hire we have to get an interview. To get the interview we have to get the appointment and in order to make the appointment, we have to make that darn call!  Easier said than done.

If you are currently reluctant to pick up the phone and make the call to breathe new life into your organization, commit to taking this approach:  The NO REJECTION dialogue. 

Start your dialogue with a compliment or a word of encouragement to get the “No Rejection”   rolling. Topics could include complimenting them on:

1)    Their personal website  (Of course, you need to view it to discuss it)

2)    Recent ads they are currently sponsoring (Especially since so many agents have cut back on their ads)

3)    Their average Days On Market for properties listed (Discuss pricing it right; controlling seller expectations)

4)     The percentage from List Price to Sale Price (Include CMA process and marketing strategies)

For the next 30 days, I want you to call, discuss something they will feel good about, compliment them, and close with this phrase. “Do you have anything special planned for the rest of the spring?” (Get their feedback.)  Continue with, “That sounds wonderful. I hope you have an opportunity to make lots of memories. It’s been a busy year for everyone, so take this time to relax, have fun and enjoy the things you enjoy doing. We are expecting another great quarter ahead in real estate and love to see some positive shifts to a more balanced market.  We look forward to working together with you in the future!”

Yes, you read it right. I did not ask you to close for an interview. By not closing, you will remove the rejection factor.  Be prepared for your prospect to be surprised.  Most important, remain sincere and transparent. In this competitive market, it’s more important than ever to build those relationships. Get back in touch with them in a few weeks, and then ask them to come for an interview.

This communication will build value in your organization while enriching your relationship with the prospect. Now, go ahead…make the call!

If you’re ready to give your team or organization a truly solid foundation —  put systems in place that position you to build the team you really want, or learn more strategies for working smarter, not harder; bookmark our blog and join The Profitable Recruiter today.  We have a full spectrum of membership benefits with all the tools, strategies, and solutions you need to position yourself to win this year and every year. Our goal is for you to become the “turn-to” broker in your area for every agent.  

Join today and take advantage of our special summer offer of 50% off with the promo code 50OFF any membership.  That’s 50% off everything you need to be in the right place at the right time when the agents you want are ready to make a move!

Put PAST Agents on Your Recruiting Hot List

Now is the Time for Action

By Real Estate Recruiting Coach Judy LaDeur

A lot has changed in the last year. It feels like everything in some ways, doesn’t it? For many agents, this was a time to re-evaluate their entire career and the way they do business — and that includes where they hang their license.

Just as agents are finding tremendous success picking up the phone and contacting everyone in their sphere to reconnect, check in, and ask how they can help — now is the perfect time for you, as brokers and recruiters, to do the same with the agents who have left your company over the past ten years.

For some of those agents who thought the “grass was greener” elsewhere?  Many have found out that it is just as hard to mow somewhere else.  That leaves an opportunity for you to open the door again and invite them to see what they’ve missed in their time away and what you are currently doing to help agents shorten learning curves, fire on all cylinders, effectively use technology and system tools to connect with clients and customers virtually — and what you are doing to support agents during this chaotic time.

Which of your good agents did you lose over the past 10 years? Do you want them back?  Pick up the phone and call them.  But first, give some thought to the qualities that the agent has, or a funny situation that occurred when they worked for you. Which sincere compliment can you give that agent? Why did they go to that firm? Are they missing out on brand awareness, resources, tools, training, technology or broker support? Maybe you’ve set up a new training system, or mentoring program, or added marketing tools?  Is your agent production through the roof?  Are they making more money than the average agent in your market?   We are in the midst of a strong and emerging market.  These are excellent times to build your office and increase your market share.  Ensure that you are a part of the celebration by working today to change your future in a positive way!

Next, reflect on the relationship – and genuinely make the first part of your call about checking in. Seeing how they are doing. Learning about what — if anything — they need or might be struggling with. Let them know that you care and that you are there. In that conversation – they might realize that now is the perfect time for them to “come home” — sometimes the PAST can be a great part of a new FUTURE.

Ready to dial up your recruiting, and position yourself to attract the agents you want sooner rather than later, join top brokers from around the nation who are members of You’ll get all the tools you need each month to position yourself as the broker to join when agents are ready to make a move. Fine-tuning your skills this season? All members get access to over SEVEN hours of training via downloadable links, including interview skills, scripts, objection handlers, and more. PLUS, you’ll have access to entire libraries of recruiting letters and notes, emails, social media content, training webinars for recruiting and retention, and opportunities to network with the best of the best.

Join today and take advantage of our special offer of  50% off with the promo code 50OFF any membership.  That’s 50% off everything you need to be in the right place at the right time when the agents you want are ready to make a move!

Leading Through Change in the Real Estate Industry


In the wake of the recent National Association of Realtors (NAR) commission settlement,  the real estate industry is facing a critical juncture. As a real estate coach, I address this to all real estate leaders: this is not a time for panic, but rather a pivotal moment for decisive action.

Embrace Change, Don’t Resist It

The current legal developments are not mere bumps in the road; they signify a seismic shift in our industry. While it’s understandable to feel unsettled, we must remember that change is the only constant. The leaders who will thrive are those who accept this reality and adapt accordingly.

Develop New Skills Among Agents

In response to these changes, there is an urgent need for agents to develop new communication and negotiation skills. The traditional methods may no longer be as effective in this new landscape. Leaders should focus on equipping their agents with innovative tools and techniques for client interaction and deal-making.

Proactive Leadership vs. Reactive Waiting

Many leaders are adopting a ‘sit and wait’ approach, hoping for favorable outcomes from appeals and legal proceedings. However, this passive stance could be detrimental. The industry is evolving rapidly, and waiting could mean missing out on the opportunity to be at the forefront of this evolution.

Lead by Example

As leaders, you have the power to set the tone for your organization. By taking proactive steps now, you’re not only preparing your business for the changes but also demonstrating a commitment to staying ahead of the curve. This attitude can inspire confidence and resilience in your agents.

Invest in Training and Development

Investing in comprehensive training programs for your agents is crucial. These programs should not only cover the technical aspects of real estate transactions but also focus on soft skills like communication, empathy, and ethical negotiation practices.

Foster a Culture of Innovation

Encourage a culture where innovation is valued. This involves being open to new ideas, whether they pertain to marketing strategies, client engagement, or transaction processes. A dynamic and innovative culture can be a significant differentiator in a changing market.

This recent NAR lawsuit settlement and the $418 million pricetag are wake-up calls for our industry. Leaders must now step up and guide their teams through these uncharted waters. By focusing on skill development, embracing change, and fostering innovation, you can ensure that your organization not only survives but thrives in this new era. Let’s not wait for the future to shape us – instead, let’s shape our future. Let us know how we can help.

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