Everything You Need to Recruit the Agents You Want in 2025

It’s Never Been MORE Important to have Systems in PLACE.

Real estate recruiting speaker and coach Judy LaDeur has worked with thousands of brokers over the past 35 years and has fine-tuned the art of successful recruiting.  Recruiting is essential to succeeding in today’s market. However, there are very few brokers who actually take the time to learn about recruiting and make it a priority. The truth is that a lot of brokers struggle. They struggle simply because they don’t understand recruiting. But the good news is that recruiting doesn’t have to be confusing or overwhelming! These are not complicated systems or techniques.

Judy started out as a highly successful REALTOR®. She figured out how to leverage the skills she already had to become a master recruiter. Now she will teach you how to do the same. In Judy’s systems, you’ll learn the tools necessary to increase your market position $50-100 million dollars, every single year. It all starts with simply recruiting two experienced agents per month. We’ll assume that these newly recruited agents are doing about $2.5 million in production each. That’s $5 million added to your bottom line each month, but more importantly, you are pulling $5 million from your competitor every month as well. That means in just 30 days; you would be 10 million dollars stronger in the marketplace. Or 120 million dollars stronger in just one year. What would that mean for your business? Would it make it easier to recruit the agents you want? When you increase your market position something very different happens…that “something” you’ve been trying to obtain all along. All of a sudden, your company has more signs in the market, and your agents get more calls. Your competition’s market presence suddenly drops – they have less signs and their agents get fewer calls. Your original group reaps the benefits of the bonus calls and the new activity, and each agent does a few more transactions every year.

Using the secrets that the top brokers in the nation already know, any company can bring in at least twenty-four producers every single year.

You already have 80% of the skills and talent that you need to be a dynamite recruiter. With the right strategies you can have agents lining up at your doors begging to work for you.  Recruiting is your one-way ticket to success. You will have the power to stop your attrition, increase your production and increase your market position. These are proven systems that you can use. Dominate your market by leveraging the power of recruiting!

It is very important to keep in mind that much of recruiting is timing. You must be patient. Send them information on a regular basis to educate them on who you are and what you can do. Then, when the time is right, that person thinks of you. It’s much like “farming your area” as a sales agent. The perfect way to stay in touch and be positioned when the time is right is to register today for The Profitable Recruiter Marketing Platform. You will receive motivational emails each week that your prospects will love. You’ll also have access to a library of letters, phone scripts, notes, social media content, and master-class webinars for recruiters — even webinars for your agents and prospects to attend.  All of this and more positions you to CONSISTENTLY get face to face with the agents YOU want to RECRUIT when they are ready.

How do I conduct the recruiting interview?

The key to the recruiting interview is…stay focused on them. It’s all about the agent. You must stay focused on them! In her advanced training audio system, Judy takes brokers through the 7-step process and teaches them how to know what the recruit wants, what to present and how to present your company and your systems in a way that builds value. When you hire on value, you do not have to “buy them” or compete on money. Judy will not only teach you how to conduct the interview, but you will hear Judy role-play the entire process with a broker. Every presentation must be customized to meet their needs.

How do I overcome stalls/objections from the agent?

The ability to overcome the stalls and objections that agents are giving you is one of the keys to a successful interview. However, we have found that the better your presentation skills, the fewer the stalls and objections. Brokers and recruiters who follow this process will hire an average of 70-80% of the agents that they interview that day, or they will get a commitment that day if the timing is right. It just goes back to making sure that you are not dragging people in off the streets who are not interested in joining your company and that you maintain that contact until the timing is right.

Every pro member of The Profitable Recruiter can now access Judy’s Profitable Recruiter Audio Training System (a $297 value). In this audio training package, you’ll have more than SEVEN HOURS of recruiting tools, scripts, dialogues, role-playing, and foundation builders.  In her Profitable Recruiter Membership Platform, you’ll have weekly eNewsletters, recruiting letters, lumpy letters, retention tools, social media tools, a full library of webinars on demand (for you and your agents), and new scripts monthly as well.  This power-packed duo of recruiting tools is literally everything you need to recruit the team of your dreams, but this offer won’t be on the table for long.

Register today for the six-month or one-year Profitable Recruiter pro memberships, using Promo Code 50OFF and save 50% off your memberships, and start using Judy’s incredible training tools right away. 

Got questions?  Email us for answers!  Good luck and happy Recruiting! 

7 Strategies for Real Estate Recruiting Success

A LOT has changed in the last year – but some strategies are always in season. If you’re ready to take your recruiting game to the next level, let’s look at a few of our favorites that always seem to help real estate recruiters knock it out of the park. Some take just a few minutes of your day – but the results — are extraordinary!

Here are a few of our favorites: 

  1. Stay positioned with your entire recruiting list using the Profitable Recruiter Monday Morning email newsletters. These provide non-salesly, motivational, action-oriented touchpoints which keep you top of mind as a broker/recruiter so that when people ARE ready to make a move, they think of your organization.
  2. Customize those emails. While we love a good cut and paste, your emails should be branded to your organization.  Consider including links to agent testimonials, links to pages on your site that refer to compensation differentiators, a personal note from you or your leadership team, a spotlight of recent recruits, including their name, photo, and charity of choice, and links to upcoming training or networking events.
  3. Send Lumpy Letters to the top 25 recruiting prospects every month. Have some fun with them – and follow up with those prospects.
  4. Use LinkedIn to connect with potential recruits. Send your prospects a message, endorse them, write a reference on LinkedIn, then follow up. More often than not, you’ll have done more than their current broker.  While you’re in there – be sure to do the same for your CURRENT team of agents!  Set aside 15 minutes a morning to do this one simple strategy – you’ll surprise and delight yourself with the results!
  5. Sponsor fun events. We loved the Taco & Tequila Tuesdays, Wine Down Wednesdays, and even virtual happy hours that many of our members have hosted. They are fun networking opportunities where agents can connect, share ideas, and learn.  Some host it at a restaurant near their company headquarters and offer dessert back at the office, where they can tour the facility and learn more about what the company offers.  Their current team of agents’ “admission” to the event is to bring another agent.  Everyone has fun – and it’s bringing agents through the doors!
  6. Call at least ten agents a day for appointments. You won’t reach all ten more than likely, but you are making the calls and contacts and setting the stage for success.
  7. Let them know that you want them on board. Often brokers feel like it is too strong to ask for the commitment after the first recruiting appointment, but what they don’t realize is that often means the potential recruit isn’t even sure that you WANT to hire them. Be assertive and friendly – and try Judy’s classic handshake close that has helped brokers worldwide hire people on the spot.  (You can learn more about that in the interview skills section of your 7+ hours of audio training.)

These powerful steps are a great way to create the kind of dramatic momentum you are looking for. The right tools, strategies, and of course – perseverance as a recruiter is a win-win-win combination.

Stay positioned with the agents you are eager to recruit!  Join us today and take advantage of our special offer of 50% off with the promo code 50OFF any membership.  That’s 50% off everything you need to be in the right place at the right time when the agents you want are ready to make a move – including SEVEN HOURS of recruiting audio training!  What are you waiting for? When you join – you and up to 10 managers can access your account! Try it for a month and see what it can do for you.    

Creating Your Fall Recruiting Hit List (Don’t Wait)

Overcoming One of the Biggest Recruiting Hurdles Brokers Face

Hands down, one of the biggest obstacles brokers have to kick off their recruiting efforts is building the list.  It’s a little funny because most of these same brokers would be first in line to teach their AGENTS the importance of building THEIR list – their farming/prospecting pipeline.  In a time where competition is high, and recruiting isn’t a ‘should do’ but a ‘MUST do’ – it’s time for all brokers to ‘walk the same walk’ that they encourage their agents to walk.  In other words – build your list! And don’t wait until October to do it!

Here are three great places to start:

  1. Competitors:  List ten companies in your market that are at an equal or just below market share level comparatively to your office and identify the 5-10 agents you would most like to recruit from each and put them into your database.  Jot down any facts you know of these agents; the more information you have on the front end – the easier it is to identify their hot buttons during your marketing and, eventually, in your interview.
  2. Your Agents:  Some brokers find this a little tricky, but here’s a great approach for making that conversation easier. Here’s a sample dialogue for you:  “Hey Bill, I’d love for you to do me a favor.  Take out two of your business cards.  Now flip the first one over and write co-broke on the top for me.  Please share the name of an agent with who you really had a great co-broke experience within the last 90 days.   Awesome – now, flip the other card over and write One Desk on the top.  Now, if you don’t mind sharing  the name of the person who, if we ONLY had room for ONE AGENT in our market, you’d think would be a great fit for our office and you’d be proud to be associated with – who would that be?”  Then you can quickly discern who the top agent fits would be by comparing all the cards from your agents. Follow up with these agents is a very ‘warm’ recruiting call.  “Hi (name) – I asked my agents recently to let me know if we only had ONE desk, who their top choice in the market would be to fill it.  Your name came up seven times! I’m very impressed.  I’d love to make a little time for us to get to know each other better and discover how we might be able to make that happen!”  You won’t get all of them right away – but put those in your database as well – with an identifier as “co-broke” or “one desk” and stay in touch!
  3. Your local board:  The agents most likely to make a move fall into the 1-7 year category.  We’ve shared strategies and dialogues before for recruiting those 12-24 month agents that are usually great prospects.  Look at the top 200 agents in your market and find common denominators that would make them a good fit for your company.  A good rule of thumb is for every 100 agents on your prospecting list…10 should be top producers, 20-30 new agents, and everyone else should fall into that mid-range producer level.  The last group will have the most turnover and the highest potential for recruiting.  Put them all in your database with identifiers for the level they are at and their time in business – as well as any other information you can find.

Now, start marketing!  Connect with them all via your weekly eNewsletter.  Next, segment your top hit list (A-Group) and send lumpy letters to these top 25 or so per month.  Stay in touch, follow up, and be present in the marketplace.  Recruiting is all about POSITIONING yourself to be the broker agents WANT to call when they are ready to make a move!

Is recruiting a challenge for you?  We can help.  Join The Profitable Recruiter and gain access to 7+ hours of audio training via downloadable links, powerful recruiting letters and notes, emails, social media tips, over 30 webinars for recruiting and retention, and opportunities to network with the best of the best. Take advantage of our special offer and save 50% on YOUR New Pro Membership with Promo Code: 50OFF.

Not sure if this is the right thing for your company?  Watch this video on demand to learn why brokers across the country are making it their turn to way to stay positioned for recruiting success in today’s market — and putting the fun back into their recruiting.  (Which is way better than dread – right?) We’re taking the guesswork out of recruiting for brokers — and they are loving it.  We can do the same for you! Questions?  Email us today.  

Why Use “Lumpy Letters” in Your Real Estate Recruiting?

Because They WORK!

tpr lumpy letters

Lumpy letters are a great way to get your correspondence to potential recruits OPENED, NOTICED, and TALKED about because they are different, stand out, and include something in the envelope that is bulky so it piques the curiosity of the agent and makes them want to OPEN it to see what’s inside. Each month, we deliver up new lumpy letter ideas for members to try. We get really creative with these, and brokers love them because they are fun to use, but even more so because they get RESULTS.  They are a great way to have agents buzzing about YOUR creativity, sharing that information with their fellow agents and helping you position yourself as the broker to call when they are ready to make a move!

Here’s how it works: 

Every month you get at least TWO or THREE lumpy letters to send to your recruiting hit list.  At the bottom of each letter, we share a link or suggestion for where you can purchase the ‘gift’ or token that you will send each month to your recruits.  The gifts are always inexpensive but are always creative, fun, and attention-capturing.

  1. Order the item, or head to a local store to acquire the number of gifts you want to send for the month.
  2. Get padded large mailing envelopes big enough for your item.
  3. Copy and paste your message onto letterhead or into a card.
  4. Create your list of the top 10-50 agents you’d like to connect with in the next 30 days.
  5. Address and mail to your VIP hit list.
  6. Follow up with a call to touch base, and use the fun lumpy letter as an ice-breaker for the conversation.

Staying positioned in the minds of the agents in a market is a critical priority for brokers looking to grow their team with the right people at the right time.  Lumpy Letters are a great way to help them do that.

Here’s an example: 

You have a lot to smile about …  

It’s so good to see agents who project so much positivity in our market. Agents just like you who are crushing it – hitting goals and setting new ones. Setting great examples for others. Being the best of the best for their clients.

This week, I just wanted to send you a little note to say everything you are doing is getting noticed in the best possible way. You inspire others, and I hope every day brings you something to smile about! I would love to sit down with you and discuss how we can take you as far as you want to go in this business (and maybe even further!)

I’m around if you need anything. Until then – keep smiling!

(Handwritten signature)

Broker Name  |  Company Name  |  Broker Phone   |  Broker eMail  |  Website

Use with:  https://www.4imprint.com/product/108463/Smiley-Adhesive-Notepad

Our Profitable Recruiter Members tell us this is some of the most enjoyable parts of recruiting. Picking out which lumpy letters to send each month and to who. They love the calls they get from agents, some laughing and appreciative, some genuinely grateful for the personalized attention and out-of-the-box ideas. They also love how it creates opportunities to stand out in a market as a broker who not only gets the job done – but appreciates the “little things” that differentiate and make people feel valued and special.

The key to making recruiting easier – and even more fun is to dare to be different. To set yourself apart from your competitors.  Our members tell us that we make that so much simpler by providing creative how-to’s every month so they can focus on getting face-to-face with new recruiting prospects.  Every month they can choose from new lumpy letters (for top rung recruits), seasonal letters (for B & C lists), and they stay positioned with all of their recruiting lists by using their Monday Morning Wake Up Call eNewsletters and social media tools. Then they use the training they get from the 7+ hours of audio training and 35+ webinars on demand to feel confident, competent and ready for anything when they have that recruit on the phone or in an interview.  

You can too!  Join today and take advantage of our special offer of 50% off with the promo code 50OFF any membership.  

Not sure if this is the right thing for your company?  Contact us today to learn why brokers of every company size are making it their turn to way to stay positioned for recruiting success in today’s market — and putting the fun back into their recruiting.  We’re taking the guesswork out of recruiting for brokers — and they are loving it.  We can do the same for you! Questions?  Email us today.  

Step-By-Step Recruiting

Set Your Goals and Do the Math

By Judy LaDeur

I’m often asked by brokers, “Where do I start?” It’s a common question for recruiters. When you’re looking at your goal – it can seem overwhelming if you don’t have a plan.  I like to tell them that a good goal, to begin with, is to conduct three experienced agent interviews per week. From that, you should average at least two hires per month.  This will give you at least 24 experienced agents per year.  If each is producing two million in gross closings that would give you an annual increase in market share of $48 million and a net gain of $98 million over your competitors!

So how do you get to that? Start by putting these 12 steps in place! 

  1. Find your targets: Set up your target ‘hit lists’.  Your list will depend on the size of your marketplace.  I always recommend that you have at least 100 agents on your hit list, but the more agents that you have, the better. Full-time recruiters should have 250-350 agents on their hit list.  Your hit list will have 3 categories of agents. A, B, and C categories. The A list is your active pipeline. At all times, your active pipeline should have at least 10 agents in it. The active pipeline has two types of agents. Those that you have interviewed, but not yet hired and those who have agreed to come in for an interview and the date for the interview is set.  This means that you will always be talking to at least 10 agents about joining your team. The B-list agents are those that you have a relationship with. You are Facebook friends, you talk to them every 2-3 months, you invite them to social events, etc.  Your C-list agents are those agents that you are marketing to but don’t really have a relationship with yet.  Your A-list and your B-list agents are the ones that you will focus on and spend the most on. I always recommend that Brokers use a program such as Broker Metrics to determine who you want on your hit list, but if you don’t have Broker Metrics, you can use your MLS as a guide to determine who you want on your list. Many brokers pull lists by production level or dollar volume.  Some pull by time in the industry.  There are some strategies and success rates in targeting those second-year agents that have been in 12-36 months and might be ready to move.   Another great strategy shared by one of our members is to target the rising and falling stars in your market. Just as it is crucial for agents to put together their marketing lists for their SOI and farm, it’s just as critical that you have a list to market to as a recruiter.
  2. Digitally position yourself weekly. Use your Monday Morning eNewsletters as a way to position yourself in a motivational, positive message with great tips and tools each week to the agents in your market. This goes to your both your entire list recruiting prospects,  as well as your current team members.  Encourage your agents, and your recruits to use the same strategy with their prospecting lists so that they are positioned as well with a Monday Morning message.  Log in at the end of each month, copy the eNewsletters for the month into your email platform and schedule them to go out every Monday morning.
  3. Monthly position yourself with letters and lumpy letters. Agents love Lumpy Letters and they really create a buzz. Every month we put two or three Lumpy Letters in your system. You can also scroll through the archives to see past letters.  These are perfect for the A-list agents, as well as certain B-list agents.  Most Brokers send 25-50 lumpy mail items per month. At the start of every month, order the suggested mailing insert (small gift or fun item) – we usually include an easy ordering link or offer a suggestion where you can buy the item. Then copy and paste your favorite Lumpy Letter onto a card or onto your letterhead and sign them. Then stuff them into padded envelopes, labels, and mail. They capture the attention of the top agents, create a great talking point, and get you noticed.  Next, pick your favorite seasonal letter and send those to your B and C list agents each month.
  4. Follow up: Give each targeted agent a follow-up phone call just to touch base.  Your goal is to talk to at least three agents per day and schedule a minimum of three interviews with experienced agents per week.  When the agent has indicated that they are happy where they are, call them every 2-3 months just to check in on them. Has anything changed? Are they ready to meet? If the agent is on your A-list, follow up weekly or as needed based on that agent’s situation.
  5. Connect again: The following month, send out another letter, note, or package to your list to promote your systems and your organization.  Everyone doesn’t have to get the same thing either!  Be creative!  Personalize them! You can always look into the archive section of your platform to see past month’s tools.
  6. Follow up again: Hit the phones again just as in step three and make it a habit to consistently send and call each and every month.  Use your CRM to track who you call each month, and when you should contact that agent again.
  7. Promote: After each hire, send out a “Just Hired” postcard to your entire hit list.  This sends out the message that agents are joining your team. Also, post your new recruits to your Facebook page, and include announcements in your eNewsletters.
  8. Promote again: Send flyers out that promote your company, the success of your agents and your commitment to the community.  You’ll be planting those seeds for agents to WANT to learn more about you!
  9. Review your skills. Pick at least one lesson from the 7+ hours of audio training to master each month. Log in and watch a webinar on-demand as well and learn what other brokers are doing to recruit at record levels.
  10. Review your value propositions. Use those to show how your organization is different.  What are the 12 compelling reasons for an agent to join your team? Are those 12 reasons compelling enough for others to take notice and join? What are the results of your 12 compelling reasons to join?  This is how you build value in joining your team.
  11. Use social media: Facebook has really changed the way that brokers build relationships and stay in touch. You should send a Facebook request to everyone on your hit list, as well as your existing agents. Each day, please apply the 30-20-10-5 rule on Facebook. Spend a max of 30 minutes on Facebook in the morning, like 20 things that potential recruits say, make 10 comments, and send 5 personal messages inviting the agent to get together to discuss their business.  Set up your hit list into a group on Facebook.
  12. Stay true to the 3-7-27 rule. Your engagement on Facebook, as well as calls and texting, is designed to build their trust as soon as possible.  It is based on the Rule of Marketing: 3-7-27. It takes 3 direct contacts for them to remember who YOU are. It takes 7 direct contacts for them to connect you to your company. It takes 27 direct contacts for them to trust you, to like you, and to feel as though they can approach you when they are ready.  BUT it also requires the messages to be positive and inspiring, which causes them to like you before they meet you.  Direct contact is a call with a response, a text with a response, a social connection with a response, etc. Any time they respond in any way, you are building a relationship and trust.

Agents are deciding now how they will move forward during these challenging times — and what brokerages best suit those needs. If you position yourself now as the broker with the tools, resources, support, and environment for success – it will be your name at the top of their list of choices. If you need help, let us know.

For more great ideas on giving your agents the best resources possible, while attracting awesome new agents, join The Profitable Recruiter.  Take advantage of our special offer! Make any Profitable Recruiter Pro Membership part of your business plan, and take 50% off with the promo code 50OFF — PLUS, have the ability to add up to 10 managers or admins to your account at no extra cost!  That’s 50% off everything you need to be in the right place at the right time when the agents you want are ready to make a move – including SEVEN HOURS of recruiting audio training, more than 30 webinars on-demand, scripts, letters, social media tools and more!  What are you waiting for? Register today

Six Powerful Ways to Follow Up With Recruits

real estate recruiting follow up

It’s the #1 Key to Bringing On the Agents You Want

By Real Estate Recruiting Coach Judy LaDeur

How many agents have you talked to in the past 12 months who were not ready to join, but gave you permission to stay in touch? One of the easiest ways to recruit more agents each year is to follow up with those who say “no” initially.  The decision to change offices is a tough one.

There are a lot of agents currently reevaluating their brokerages — especially when many feel their company has not supported them enough through these turbulent times.

I get it – you’re wearing a lot of hats right now, but there is an opportunity to not only build your team but help real estate professionals who may just need that extra support and attention to make a move that will help them thrive, even during these times. Brokers who have been consistently following up with agents say that up to 50% of their hires each year were the results of these efforts.

Here are six powerful ways you can follow up directly and indirectly: 

1.  Call.  One of the least favorite things for brokers to do, but one of the most effective.  Some of the best people to call are those agents who have had transactions within the last 30-60 days.  If they’ve had positive experiences, call those agents and congratulate them on their professionalism and give them kudos for a job well done. Let them know if they are ever interested in exploring other options – you’d love to sit down and meet.

2.  Send a Lumpy Letter.  These are perfect for capturing attention, showing that you are not only interested but a creative and even fun broker that’s willing to be outside the box.  It gets them thinking — and talking!  Sometimes it’s even good for recruiting more agents than one for that very reason!  Learn more here.

3.  Use weekly e-newsletters.  These are terrific, especially for emotional agents.  When they are non-invasive or pushy – but instead motivational, give great tips, and a spotlight you as a leader and a broker who is in the know in the marketplace — recruiting prospects respond very well.  John from New York had this to say, “I am surprised at how hungry the industry is for local news and statistics. The number of agents who come up to me at broker open house events and association functions to comment on the Monday Morning Wake Up Call newsletters. This opens the door for a ‘getting to know each other’ conversation.”  

4.  Be present in your market. This is no time to be a stealth broker.  Even in areas not yet opened up — there is a lot you can do to ensure that you and your company are presenting yourself as present and listening and providing agents with the tools and training they need to grow and adapt. Show them that you are more than a name on a door. Show them that you are someone who’s willing to be part of their solutions.

5.  Make an invitation.  Got an agent you’d really like to sit down with?  Let them know. Send them an invitation for a quick Zoom call, or a cup of coffee at their favorite spot.  Let them know, no pressure, no sales pitch.  You just would like to get to know them a little better and you appreciate what they are bringing to your market.

6.  Offer training.  Right now agents are often in 24/7 mode with learning curves — especially regarding technology. Offer ongoing training with great speakers, powerful topics, and terrific takeaways. Let them know it’s the kind of training that sets the perfect pace for the rest of the year and will help them kick off a fantastic fall season.  Make it easy and non-threatening for them to register, and extend the offer as a by-invitation-only event.

Now, more than ever, it’s important to FOLLOW up with agents. Why? People want to feel seen, heard, and recognized. They want to feel valued and appreciated for their commitment to stay in this game. Pick up the phone and call the agents on your hit list this week. You might be surprised to see how many are willing to meet with you. Make recruiting a priority now.

If you’re ready to dial up your recruiting and position yourself to attract the agents you want sooner rather than later, join top brokers from around the nation who are members of www.TheProfitableRecruiter.com.

You’ll get all the tools you need each month to position yourself as the broker to join when agents are ready to make a move. Fine-tuning your skills this season? All pro members get access to over SEVEN hours of training via downloadable links including interview skills, scripts, objection handlers, and more. PLUS, you’ll have access to entire libraries of recruiting letters and notes, emails, social media content, training webinars for recruiting and retention, and opportunities to network with the best of the best.

Join today and take advantage of our special offer of 50% off with the promo code 50OFF any membership.  That’s 50% off everything you need to be in the right place at the right time when the agents you want are ready to make a move!

How to Keep Your Recruiting Momentum Going All Summer…

A Webinar on Demand

by Judy LaDeur

Summertime.  A time when most are ready to put things in slower gear and take some much needed R&R. We wanted to share a webinar we did last year that helped many brokers stay positioned all summer long with the agents they wanted to recruit — and still have time for fun! Recruiting season is not that far off – don’t lose the foundation you’ve built during these slower months!  Here’s how to stay at the top of your game!

Having the right systems and strategies in place takes some of the guess-work out of your success.  We are happy to be a resource to help you develop a strong, supportive culture in your office, stay top of mind with the recruits you want to hire, and give you the scripts and dialogues you need to close even the savviest of agents to join your team.  Want to learn more about how to become a more profitable recruiter?  Check out our Membership Benefits and enroll today.   

Take advantage of our special offer!  Make any Profitable Recruiter Pro Membership part of your business plan, and take 30% off with the promo code 30OFF — PLUS, have the ability to add up to 10 managers or admins to your account at no extra cost!  That’s 30% off everything you need to be in the right place at the right time when the agents you want are ready to make a move – including SEVEN HOURS of recruiting audio training, more than 30 webinars on demand, scripts, letters, social media tools and more!  What are you waiting for? Register today

Want your eNews recruiting done totally for you? Check out our new Concierge service that manages your email marketing for you! 

Speaking of webinars, members, be sure to join us June 7th at 1pm Eastern for a very special guest Rhonda Sher, the LinkedIn Diva for a very special Broker and Agent Webinar!

Topic: LinkedIn for Realtors – Converting Relationships to Revenue

In this powerful webinar you will learn:

  • How to connect with referral partners
  • Why Realtors Need to be on LinkedIn
  • How to take your LinkedIn profile to profit – the secrets to a profile that creates instant credibility
  • How to invite connections that count

Scripts and Strategies Webinar On Demand

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About The Profitable Recruiter But Were Afraid to Askwebinar 2

We had a great turnout for our monthly Profitable Recruiter Members’ webinar.  This month we did something a little different. Normally our monthly webinars include a guest speaker from the industry, but we had so many brokers who really are eager to hit the ground running and make this their best recruiting year ever and wanted to learn more about how to use their platform more effectively. So that’s what we covered. The A-Z of how to use The Profitable Recruiter Membership platform to recruit the agents you want and need this year. At the end of the session Coach Judy LaDeur also shared great scripts and strategies for handling some of the biggest recruiting objections that our listeners were facing. So don’t miss out on those!

Thanks to all of our members who shared their questions, and of course to Judy for always delivering great content and answers!

If you’re ready to recruit your dream team and have YOUR best year ever as well – become a member today.  Why? Because creating is hard. Knowing what to send and say to recruit the experienced and new agents you’re looking for to continuously grow your powerful team of agents isn’t easy when you’re going it alone.

Using the tools that others have built for you that will position you for the success and growth that you want for your business is simple and affordable! If you are a Profitable Recruiter Member – make sure you are taking full advantage of your membership platform by actively using everything in your platform. 

If you are NOT a member of The Profitable Recruiter but would like to start using these powerful done-for-you content training and tools, then register here and you too can use the promo code 25OFF to save 25% on any pro membership.  Don’t forget — you can add up to TEN (10) managers or administrators to your account.  That way everyone on your management team is on the same page and working together to grow your company.  Not a big organization? That’s all right too! We can add your admin assistant and help you have as much recruiting power as possible. To access the Audio downloads, register for either the 6- month or annual memberships.  Got questions?  Email us!  We’d love to help!  Make it a great year!

Twelve Ways to Use Done for You Tools to Recruit & Retain

As a Profitable Recruitertpr tools

By Real Estate Recruiting Coach Judy LaDeur

Creating is hard right?  But crafting a marketing plan from already done for you tools is not only easy, it’s smart marketing – and savvy time management.  This week, let’s look at twelve powerful ways you can use your Profitable Recruiter Membership tools to recruit the agents you want, brand your company in your marketplace as the one to work for – and do business with, and lighten your daily to do list!

  1. Stay positioned the RIGHT way. The number one thing you can do to recruit your dream team and retain the great agents you have is to stay in front of them at least monthly, if not weekly, with valuable information, inspiration, and a reminder that you are there when they need you.  Our most successful members log into their platform just before the first of every month (or have their admin do this for them) and click on Weekly eNewsletters.  They then copy and paste these weekly eNewsletters into their own email platform (we recommend a platform that allows you to track opens, click through rates, etc.) and then schedule them to go out every Monday morning before 7:00 am.  Not only will you get tons of positive feedback, this week alone, we had several brokers tell us that agents are asking if they can add OTHER agent friends to the weekly campaigns.  You’ll be staying top-of-mind, growing your hit list, and put yourself in the position of being the number one broker to call when those agents are ready to make a move.
  2. Work the challenges.  Each week, we share a challenge and action step that you, the broker and recruiter, can take to further your recruiting goals and grow a stronger business.  The brokers that do, are full speed ahead and on track to surpass their goals.
  3. Pro Members Use Lumpy Letters.  Each month you’ll get these new attention grabbing letters which are meant for the top 10-20% of your recruiting prospect list.  Sent monthly, they not only put you front and center on the radar of those top agents, they will help make you the talk of the real estate town with chatter about how creative you are, how you went the extra step, and how they can’t wait to see what you’ll send next.  They make follow up fun and easy – and they’ll make picking up the phone because the agents are CALLING YOU with a thank you, a welcome relief from cold calls! Top brokers simply copy these (or have their admin copy), order the ‘lumpy’ part of the mail (we offer links so you can find these items easily), and have their admin assistants put them in bubble mailers and send out the first week of every month.
  4. Pro Members Use Seasonal Recruiting Letters.  Each month we add 2-3 seasonal and timely recruiting letters that you can copy and paste onto your letterhead, hand sign, and send to the top 100 prospects on your recruiting list.  We also offer retention letters that you can use to do the same and send or hand deliver to your current agents to make sure they feel special.  There is power in receiving something in the mail in today’s electronic world.  Use it to your advantage.  The first or second week of every month simply copy, print, sign, and send.  (Three of those activities you can even delegate – how cool is that?)
  5. Social Media Tips.  Every month we deliver enough content and ideas to keep you visible (without stressing you out or taking up too much time) as well as strategies to brand you and build a strong, positive online presence.  It’s an easy, breezy way of kicking up your social media without having to reinvent any wheels.  You can even use great tools like SproutSocial.com to copy and paste some of these into a platform and schedule your posts.
  6. Webinar Invites.  Every month we host TWO webinars.  One for brokers in which we spotlight top recruiters and coaches with timely topics and strategies on what works – and even what doesn’t (common pitfalls) to keep you on track for your recruiting goals.  Secondly, we host an agent webinar with top agents and coaches who deliver powerful strategies to help your agents (and prospects) rise to the top of their field and stay there.  Our top brokers open the invite tab at the first of the month, register for their own webinar, then copy and paste the agent registration link into one email that goes out to all of their existing agents, and a second email inviting all their prospective recruits (use a platform, bcc options, or email individually for confidentiality) to attend.
  7. Blog.  Bookmark the blog for powerful interviews, scripts, dialogues, broker spotlights, etc.
  8. Learn at your own pace.  Click on the Webinars on Demand tab in your platform to watch a wide spectrum of past webinars at your own pace. There are agent and broker webinars here so you can use some as training opportunities for your sales team.  Preview a topic, pick one each month and invite your agents in to watch on demand and workshop what they’ve learned.  This is a GREAT tool if you have an in house trainer.  (Ask us about how to give them access of their own to this popular section of the membership platform.)
  9. Archives.  We archive several months of tools at a time so you can peruse other lumpy letters, eNewsletters and tools if you want to switch things up a little!
  10. Recruiting Scripts for our Pro Members. We add new scripts and dialogues for even the toughest recruiting and prospecting calls and interviews here each month.  Top members print these out and practice, drill, and rehearse so that they are ready for ANYTHING an agent might through their way!
  11. 6 Month and Annual Members access over SEVEN HOURS of audio training for recruiters.  These audio files run the gamut of what brokers face each day and teach you how to master your trade as a broker, recruiter, and business professional.
  12. Help your agents do the same.  Through April 15th, brokers can register for The Profitable Sales Agent for 25% off the membership fee and share THAT content with their agents so they have the vital tools THEY need totpsa newsletter sample stay top of mind, build a strong referral base and sphere and capture the respect, trust, and BUSINESS of the consumers in your community.  In this platform they will get:
  • Weekly eNewsletters designed to be sent to home buyers and sellers complete with DIY home tips, real estate tips, a motivational message, and calls to action
  • Free collateral material and fair trade items such as staging tips, listing tips and more
  • Access to their OWN webinar training spotlighting top agents and coaches each month
  • Agent challenges and weekly action items to keep them motivated and on track
  • Webinars on Demand so they can learn at their own pace
  • Archived tools so they can peruse past success strategies
  • Social Media Tips and Strategies so they can build a strong online presence themselves and connect with their sphere

Creating is hard. Using the tools that others have built for you that will position you for the success and growth that you want for your business?  Is simple and affordable! If you are a Profitable Recruiter Member – make sure you are taking full advantage of your membership platform by following the twelve tips above.  If you want to register YOUR Company for The Profitable Sales Agent and deliver the tools above to them – click here and use Promo Code 25OFF to save 25% on your membership through April 15th

If you are NOT a member of The Profitable Recruiter but would like to start using these powerful done-for-you content training and tools, then register here and you too can use the promo code 25OFF to save 25% on any pro membership.  To access the Audio downloads, register for either the 6 month or annual memberships.  Got questions?  Email us!  We’d love to help!  Make it a great year! 

Four Words of Advice for Today’s Recruiters

Awesome Insights from Recruiter Carl Vandergoottpr Carl Vandergoot

By Julie Escobar

There is so much to be learned from like-minded colleagues in our industry and it’s just incredible when someone is open to sharing their knowledge with others.  This week, we caught up with a terrific broker and recruiter Carl Vandergoot who gave us his insights for becoming and staying a profitable recruiter in today’s market.

Here’s an excerpt from our interview:

Q:  First, Carl, can you tell our readers a little about yourself and your business? 

A:  I sold real estate for 29 years the last 7 as Broker Owner of RE/MAX Centre City.  I do not sell real estate anymore, just manage and coach our agents. I have sold nearly 1,800 homes in my career, and I use this in our “Coaching with Carl” program, to increase the production of our agents.  We are a team of 105 Realtors — of which 99% are full-time agents.  We have the highest per person production in our city by 50% over our competition.  Our company is agent driven, THEY are our customers.  Both our staff and I are totally dedicated to providing as many tools possible for our agents to do business at a high level.  We provide the highest level of service to our agents by giving them the freedom to sell and not worry about the details.  We have a Virtual Assistant, Pre-Listing Packages and Listing Presentations that we fully customize and prepare for them.  We create Client “pop-by” gifts, Just Listed and Just Sold cards and much more.

Q:  Wow – that’s awesome! What kind of trends and changes are you feeling in the market as a broker and recruiter? 

A:  Market changes would be pressure on lower commissions (That’s why we create the programs we do–to fully arm our agents when going on an appointment.) I believe that there are two types of real estate companies emerging…the Full Service Brokerage which is totally focused on the agent and the companies where the primary feature is a low fee.  Agents who really want to grow their business are looking for a full service Brokerage to help them do more business.  The public is much more educated today and they have tools that never used to be there in the past…primarily the Internet with access to all the data.  Agents today need to sell their services and their negotiating skills more than ever before.

Q:  What would you say are the top practices you use to recruit (and keep) a solid, cohesive team of agents? 

A:  Let them know that you care about them and their customers.  Be innovative with new ideas and technology, and provide more tools and services to make it easier for them.  I have learned that most agents can have a great idea but never implement it…that’s what we do and they love it.

Q:  Do you have a favorite “Judy strategy” that’s worked for you in your recruiting efforts? 

A:  I have many…the best are the “Lumpy Letters”.

Q:  If you had to give one great piece of advice to a new or even experienced recruiter and broker –what would it be? 

A:  That’s easy: PICK UP THE PHONE!

Q:  Great advice Carl!  If our readers want to connect with you – what is the best place to do that?

A: Sure – you can find me through my site:  www.carlvandergoot.com

Thank you so much Carl for sharing your experience and ideas.  We appreciate the opportunity to connect industry leaders from all over the globe who are willing to share what it takes to succeed with less stress in our business!

Want to learn more about becoming and STAYING a PROFITABLE broker?  Bookmark our blog, and join us to tap into a full spectrum of membership benefits with all the tools, strategies and solutions you need to become the turn-to broker in your area for top agents.  Learn more…